java - 如果我们在父列表中添加元素,为什么 JDK 会向 UnmodifyableList 添加一个元素

标签 java collections

 List<Person> intList = new ArrayList<Person>();
        // creating Parent List
        // Person Class contains two fields Name and Age
        Person p1 = new Person("James", 28);
        Person p2 = new Person("Duncan", 26);
        Person p3 = new Person("Lukan",32);
        Person p4 = new Person("Therry", 12);
        // Creating ParentList

        ImmutableList<Person> immutableList = ImmutableList.copyOf(intList);        
        List<Person> unModifybale = Collections.unmodifiableList(intList);
        //Adding element to parentList

        System.out.println("\n" +intList);  

        // Here unModifyble List also gets element after added in parent list
        // why does it happen like this?

        System.out.println("\n unModifyble"+ unModifybale);

        System.out.println("\n Immutable" + immutableList)


来自 the Javadoc :

Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified list.

您已经在原始列表中创建了一个 View - 对原始列表的更改将通过该 View 反射(reflect)出来。

关于java - 如果我们在父列表中添加元素,为什么 JDK 会向 UnmodifyableList 添加一个元素,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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