python - 如何使用 Django 迁移重新创建已删除的表?

标签 python django postgresql django-models django-migrations

有两个模型 Groups 和 Students,只有一个表是 Groups of them,删除了 Students 表。

如何让Django重新创建被删除的表?如果我执行 makemigrations,它会打印“未检测到任何更改”。

在管理页面上,当我点击 Students 表时它抛出异常:

relation "students_students" does not exist


在 django 1.7 中你可以尝试:

1. Delete your migrations folder

2. In the database: DELETE FROM django_migrations WHERE app = 'app_name'.
   You could alternatively just truncate this table.

3. python makemigrations

4. python migrate --fake

如果您使用的是 django 1.9.5,这是此问题的 100% 解决方案:

1. Delete your migrations folder

2. In the database: DELETE FROM django_migrations WHERE app = 'app_name'.
   You could alternatively just truncate this table.

3. python makemigrations app_name

4. python migrate

这对我来说 100% 有效!

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