python-3.x - Python 中的测试驱动开发

标签 python-3.x unit-testing testing


`class FizzBuzzService:
def print_number(self, num):
    for i in range(num):
        print(i, end=' ')

import unittest
from app.logic import FizzBuzzService

class FizzBuzzServiceTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
    Create an instance of fizz_buzz_service
    self.fizzbuzz = FizzBuzzService()

    def test_it_prints_a_number(self):
    Test for the default behavior of printing the range that we give 
    number_range = range(10)
    self.assertEqual(self.fizzbuzz.print_number(10), print(*number_range))


至少对我来说,TDD 既是关于测试的,也是关于寻找好的设计的。如您所见,测试输出之类的东西很困难。

这样的打印被称为副作用 - 简单地说,它正在做一些事情,而不仅仅是基于方法的输入参数。我的解决方案是减少 print_number 的副作用,然后像那样测试它。如果您需要打印它,您可以编写另一个更高层的函数来打印,即 print_number 的输出,但除此之外不包含任何有意义的逻辑,这实际上不需要测试。这是一个示例,您的代码已更改为没有副作用(这是几种可能的替代方案之一)

class FizzBuzzService:
def print_number(self, num):
    for i in range(num):
        yield i

import unittest

class FizzBuzzServiceTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
    Create an instance of fizz_buzz_service
    self.fizzbuzz = FizzBuzzService()

def test_it_prints_a_number(self):
    Test for the default behavior of printing the range that we give 
    number_range = range(10)
    output = []
    for x in self.fizzbuzz.print_number(10):
    self.assertEqual(range(10), output)

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