python - 提高python代码的速度

标签 python performance

我有一些包含许多类的 python 代码。我用过 cProfile发现运行该程序的总时间为 68 秒。我在一个名为 Buyers 的类中发现了以下函数大约需要这 68 秒中的 60 秒。我必须运行该程序大约 100 次,因此任何速度的提高都会有所帮助。你能建议通过修改代码来提高速度的方法吗?如果您需要更多有用的信息,请告诉我。

def qtyDemanded(self, timePd, priceVector):
    '''Returns quantity demanded in period timePd. In addition,
    also updates the list of customers and non-customers.

    Inputs: timePd and priceVector
    Output: count of people for whom priceVector[-1] < utility

    ## Initialize count of customers to zero
    ## Set self.customers and self.nonCustomers to empty lists
    price = priceVector[-1]
    count = 0
    self.customers = []
    self.nonCustomers = []

    for person in self.people:
        if person.utility >= price:             
            person.customer = 1
            person.customer = 0

    return len(self.customers)
self.peopleperson 的列表对象。每个personcustomerutility作为它的属性。

编辑 - 回复添加



(1) @amber - 函数被访问 80,000 次。

(2) @gnibbler 和其他人 - self.people 是内存中的 Person 对象列表。未连接到数据库。

(3) @Hugh Bothwell

原始函数占用的 cumtime - 60.8 s(访问 80000 次)

新函数采用本地函数别名作为建议的 cumtime - 56.4 s(访问 80000 次)

(4) @rotoglup 和 @Martin Thomas

我还没有尝试过你的解决方案。我需要检查其余代码以查看我使用 self.customers 的地方,然后才能更改不将客户附加到 self.customers 列表。但我会尝试这个并回信。

(5) @TryPyPy - 感谢您提供检查代码的好意。


编辑 2
有人建议,因为我在 self.people 中标记了客户和非客户。 ,我应该尝试不创建 self.customers 的单独列表和 self.noncustomers使用附加。相反,我应该遍历 self.people查找客户数量。我尝试了以下代码并对以下两个函数进行计时 f_w_appendf_wo_append .我确实发现后者花费的时间更少,但仍然是前者花费的时间的 96%。也就是说,速度的增加非常小。

@TryPyPy - 以下代码足以检查瓶颈函数,以防您的报价仍然存在以与其他编译器进行检查。

import numpy

class person(object):
    def __init__(self, util):
        self.utility = util
        self.customer = 0

class population(object):
    def __init__(self, numpeople):
        self.people = []
        self.cus = []
        self.noncus = []
        utils = numpy.random.uniform(0, 300, numpeople)
        for u in utils:
            per = person(u)

popn = population(300)

def f_w_append():
    '''Function with append'''
    P = 75
    cus = []
    noncus = []
    for per in popn.people:
        if  per.utility >= P:
            per.customer = 1
            per.customer = 0
    return len(cus)

def f_wo_append():
    '''Function without append'''
    P = 75
    for per in popn.people:
        if  per.utility >= P:
            per.customer = 1
            per.customer = 0

    numcustomers = 0
    for per in popn.people:
        if per.customer == 1:
            numcustomers += 1                
    return numcustomers

编辑 3:似乎 numpy 是问题

这是对约翰·马钦 (John Machin) 下面所说的话的回应。下面是定义 Population 的两种方式类(class)。我运行了下面的程序两次,每次创建 Population类(class)。一种使用 numpy,一种不使用 numpy。一个没有 numpy 花费的时间与约翰在运行中发现的时间相似。一个 numpy 需要更长的时间。我不清楚的是 popn实例是在时间记录开始之前创建的(至少它是从代码中显示的)。那么,为什么 numpy 版本需要更长的时间。而且,我认为 numpy 应该更有效率。无论如何,问题似乎出在 numpy 而不是 append,即使它确实减慢了一些速度。有人可以用下面的代码确认吗?谢谢。
import random # instead of numpy
import numpy
import time
timer_func = time.time # using Mac OS X 10.5.8

class Person(object):
    def __init__(self, util):
        self.utility = util
        self.customer = 0

class Population(object):
    def __init__(self, numpeople):
        self.people = [Person(random.uniform(0, 300)) for i in xrange(numpeople)]
        self.cus = []
        self.noncus = []   

# Numpy based    
# class Population(object):
#     def __init__(self, numpeople):
#         numpy.random.seed(1)
#         utils = numpy.random.uniform(0, 300, numpeople)
#         self.people = [Person(u) for u in utils]
#         self.cus = []
#         self.noncus = []    

def f_wo_append(popn):
    '''Function without append'''
    P = 75
    for per in popn.people:
        if  per.utility >= P:
            per.customer = 1
            per.customer = 0

    numcustomers = 0
    for per in popn.people:
        if per.customer == 1:
            numcustomers += 1                
    return numcustomers

t0 = timer_func()
for i in xrange(20000):
    x = f_wo_append(popn)
t1 = timer_func()
print t1-t0

编辑 4:查看 John Machin 和 TryPyPy 的答案

由于这里的编辑和更新太多了,第一次来到这里的人可能会有些困惑。请参阅 John Machin 和 TryPyPy 的答案。这两者都可以帮助大大提高代码的速度。我很感谢他们和其他提醒我 append 缓慢的人.由于在这种情况下我将使用 John Machin 的解决方案而不是使用 numpy 来生成实用程序,因此我接受他的回答作为答案。但是,我也非常感谢 TryPyPy 指出的方向。


在优化 Python 代码以提高速度后,您可以尝试许多事情。如果这个程序不需要C扩展,你可以在PyPy下运行它受益于其 JIT 编译器。您可以尝试制作 C extension对于可能 huge speedups . Shed Skin甚至允许您将 Python 程序转换为独立的 C++ 二进制文件。


编辑 : 首先,我必须同意其他人的看法:你确定你测量的时间正确吗?示例代码在此处的 0.1 秒内运行了 100 次,因此很有可能时间错误或您遇到了代码示例中不存在的瓶颈(IO?)。

也就是说,我做了 300000 人,所以时间是一致的。这是 CPython (2.5)、PyPy 和 Shed Skin 共享的改编代码:

from time import time
import random
import sys

class person(object):
    def __init__(self, util):
        self.utility = util
        self.customer = 0

class population(object):
    def __init__(self, numpeople, util):
        self.people = []
        self.cus = []
        self.noncus = []
        for u in util:
            per = person(u)

def f_w_append(popn):
    '''Function with append'''
    P = 75
    cus = []
    noncus = []
    # Help CPython a bit
    # cus_append, noncus_append = cus.append, noncus.append
    for per in popn.people:
        if  per.utility >= P:
            per.customer = 1
            per.customer = 0
    return len(cus)

def f_wo_append(popn):
    '''Function without append'''
    P = 75
    for per in popn.people:
        if  per.utility >= P:
            per.customer = 1
            per.customer = 0

    numcustomers = 0
    for per in popn.people:
        if per.customer == 1:
            numcustomers += 1
    return numcustomers

def main():
        numpeople = int(sys.argv[1])
        numpeople = 300000

    print "Running for %s people, 100 times." % numpeople

    begin = time()
    # Help CPython a bit
    uniform = random.uniform
    util = [uniform(0.0, 300.0) for _ in xrange(numpeople)]
    # util = [random.uniform(0.0, 300.0) for _ in xrange(numpeople)]

    popn1 = population(numpeople, util)
    start = time()
    for _ in xrange(100):
        r = f_wo_append(popn1)
    print r
    print "Without append: %s" % (time() - start)

    popn2 = population(numpeople, util)
    start = time()
    for _ in xrange(100):
        r = f_w_append(popn2)
    print r
    print "With append: %s" % (time() - start)

    print "\n\nTotal time: %s" % (time() - begin)

if __name__ == "__main__":

使用 PyPy 运行就像使用 CPython 运行一样简单,您只需键入 'pypy' 而不是 'python'。对于 Shed Skin,您必须转换为 C++,编译并运行:
shedskin -e && make 

# Check that you're using the file and run test
python -c "import makefaster; print makefaster.__file__; makefaster.main()" 

这是 Cython 化的代码:
from time import time
import random
import sys

cdef class person:
    cdef readonly int utility
    cdef public int customer

    def __init__(self, util):
        self.utility = util
        self.customer = 0

class population(object):
    def __init__(self, numpeople, util):
        self.people = []
        self.cus = []
        self.noncus = []
        for u in util:
            per = person(u)

cdef int f_w_append(popn):
    '''Function with append'''
    cdef int P = 75
    cdef person per
    cus = []
    noncus = []
    # Help CPython a bit
    # cus_append, noncus_append = cus.append, noncus.append

    for per in popn.people:
        if  per.utility >= P:
            per.customer = 1
            per.customer = 0
    cdef int lcus = len(cus)
    return lcus

cdef int f_wo_append(popn):
    '''Function without append'''
    cdef int P = 75
    cdef person per
    for per in popn.people:
        if  per.utility >= P:
            per.customer = 1
            per.customer = 0

    cdef int numcustomers = 0
    for per in popn.people:
        if per.customer == 1:
            numcustomers += 1
    return numcustomers

def main():

    cdef int i, r, numpeople
    cdef double _0, _300
    _0 = 0.0
    _300 = 300.0

        numpeople = int(sys.argv[1])
        numpeople = 300000

    print "Running for %s people, 100 times." % numpeople

    begin = time()
    # Help CPython a bit
    uniform = random.uniform
    util = [uniform(_0, _300) for i in xrange(numpeople)]
    # util = [random.uniform(0.0, 300.0) for _ in xrange(numpeople)]

    popn1 = population(numpeople, util)
    start = time()
    for i in xrange(100):
        r = f_wo_append(popn1)
    print r
    print "Without append: %s" % (time() - start)

    popn2 = population(numpeople, util)
    start = time()
    for i in xrange(100):
        r = f_w_append(popn2)
    print r
    print "With append: %s" % (time() - start)

    print "\n\nTotal time: %s" % (time() - begin)

if __name__ == "__main__":

为了构建它,有一个像这样的 很好:
from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
from Cython.Distutils import build_ext

ext_modules = [Extension("cymakefaster", ["makefaster.pyx"])]

  name = 'Python code to speed up',
  cmdclass = {'build_ext': build_ext},
  ext_modules = ext_modules

python build_ext --inplace

python -c“导入cymakefaster;打印cymakefaster。文件;cymakefaster.main()”

每个版本的计时运行五次,Cython 是最快和最容易使用的代码生成器(Shed Skin 的目标是更简单,但神秘的错误消息和隐式静态类型在这里变得更难)。至于最佳值(value),PyPy 在没有代码更改的计数器版本中提供了令人印象深刻的加速。
#Results (time in seconds for 30000 people, 100 calls for each function):
                  Mean      Min  Times    
CPython 2.5.2
Without append: 35.037   34.518  35.124, 36.363, 34.518, 34.620, 34.559
With append:    29.251   29.126  29.339, 29.257, 29.259, 29.126, 29.272
Total time:     69.288   68.739  69.519, 70.614, 68.746, 68.739, 68.823

PyPy 1.4.1
Without append:  2.672    2.655   2.655,  2.670,  2.676,  2.690,  2.668
With append:    13.030   12.672  12.680, 12.725, 14.319, 12.755, 12.672
Total time:     16.551   16.194  16.196, 16.229, 17.840, 16.295, 16.194

Shed Skin 0.7 (gcc -O2)
Without append:  1.601    1.599   1.599,  1.605,  1.600,  1.602,  1.599
With append:     3.811    3.786   3.839,  3.795,  3.798,  3.786,  3.839
Total time:      5.704    5.677   5.715,  5.705,  5.699,  5.677,  5.726

Cython 0.14 (gcc -O2)
Without append:  1.692    1.673   1.673,  1.710,  1.678,  1.688,  1.711
With append:     3.087    3.067   3.079,  3.080,  3.119,  3.090,  3.067
Total time:      5.565    5.561   5.562,  5.561,  5.567,  5.562,  5.572

编辑 :Aaa 和更有意义的时间,对于 80000 个调用,每个调用 300 人:
Results (time in seconds for 300 people, 80000 calls for each function):
                  Mean      Min  Times
CPython 2.5.2
Without append: 27.790   25.827  25.827, 27.315, 27.985, 28.211, 29.612
With append:    26.449   24.721  24.721, 27.017, 27.653, 25.576, 27.277
Total time:     54.243   50.550  50.550, 54.334, 55.652, 53.789, 56.892

Cython 0.14 (gcc -O2)
Without append:  1.819    1.760   1.760,  1.794,  1.843,  1.827,  1.871
With append:     2.089    2.063   2.100,  2.063,  2.098,  2.104,  2.078
Total time:      3.910    3.859   3.865,  3.859,  3.944,  3.934,  3.951

PyPy 1.4.1
Without append:  0.889    0.887   0.894,  0.888,  0.890,  0.888,  0.887
With append:     1.671    1.665   1.665,  1.666,  1.671,  1.673,  1.681
Total time:      2.561    2.555   2.560,  2.555,  2.561,  2.561,  2.569

Shed Skin 0.7 (g++ -O2)
Without append:  0.310    0.301   0.301,  0.308,  0.317,  0.320,  0.303
With append:     1.712    1.690   1.733,  1.700,  1.735,  1.690,  1.702
Total time:      2.027    2.008   2.035,  2.008,  2.052,  2.011,  2.029

Shed Skin 变得最快,PyPy 超过 Cython。与 CPython 相比,这三个都大大加快了速度。

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