c++ - Microsoft Access 数据库 - "record too large"异常

标签 c++ database mfc

我有一些从 MS Access 数据库中读取的代码。该代码如下:

CDatabase database;
CString sDriver = "MICROSOFT ACCESS DRIVER (*.mdb)";
CString sDsn;
CString sFile = "MyDB.mdb";
CString sField;

// Build ODBC connection string
sDsn.Format("ODBC;DRIVER={%s};DSN='';DBQ=%s", sDriver, sFile);
    // Open the database
    database.Open(NULL, false, false, sDsn);

    // Allocate the recordset
    CRecordset recset(&database);

    // Execute the query
    recset.Open(CRecordset::forwardOnly, "SELECT NAME FROM INFOTABLE", CRecordset::readOnly);

    // Loop through each record
    while( !recset.IsEOF() )
        // Copy each column into a variable
        recset.GetFieldValue("NAME", sField);

        // Add the obtained field to a drop-down box

        // goto next record
    // Close the database
CATCH(CDBException, e)
    // If a database exception occured, show error msg
    AfxMessageBox("Database error: "+e->m_strError);

我的问题是,有时 会抛出异常。消息框显示,

Database error: Record too large

我的数据库有 > 30000 条记录。




你可以自己搜索答案,但无论如何引用 MSDN support -

Records in a table... in a Microsoft Access database are limited to slightly under 2K, not counting Memo fields. The "Record is too large" error occurs when you enter data into such a record, not when you define the table structure.

您可以尝试使用备忘录类型作为 answer建议。

关于c++ - Microsoft Access 数据库 - "record too large"异常,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15340383/


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