c++ - Boost.Interprocess 是否牺牲性能来实现可移植性

标签 c++ boost process ipc boost-interprocess

我刚刚读了this page Boost.Interprocess 文档。这似乎表明,为了适应不同操作系统之间的差异并达成某种共识,某些进程间机制并没有使用操作系统提供的直接对应的本地机制来实现,而是使用其他机制来模拟。我想知道这是否会对性能造成相当大的影响。


Since each mechanism can be emulated through diferent mechanisms (a semaphore might be implement using mapped files or native semaphores) permissions types could vary when the implementation of a named resource changes (eg.: in Windows mutexes require synchronize permissions, but that's not the case of files). To avoid this, Boost.Interprocess relies on file-like permissions, requiring file read-write-delete permissions to open named synchronization mechanisms (mutex, semaphores, etc.) and appropiate read or read-write-delete permissions for shared memory. This approach has two advantages: it's similar to the UNIX philosophy and the programmer does not need to know how the named resource is implemented.

根据这篇文章,我猜测大部分 kernel objects Windows native 提供的进程间同步(例如,Event、Mutex、Semaphore)只是没有被 Boost.Interprocess 使用。


我以前见过使用 native 内核对象。



关于c++ - Boost.Interprocess 是否牺牲性能来实现可移植性,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33042427/


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