多个输入的 C++ 大写函数失败

标签 c++ visual-c++


    using namespace std;
    string capitalize(string capitalizeThis)
        getline(cin, capitalizeThis);
        for_each(capitalizeThis.begin(), capitalizeThis.end(), [](char & c) {
        static int last = ' ';
        if (last == ' ' && c != ' ' && isalpha(c))
            c = ::toupper(c); //capitalize if conditions fulfilled 
        last = c; //iterate
    return capitalizeThis;
int main()
    string eventName, customerName;
    cout << "\nPlease enter your name:" << endl;
    customerName = capitalize(customerName);
    cout << customerName << endl;

    cout << "\nPlease enter the name of your event:" << endl;
    eventName = capitalize(eventName);
    cout << eventName << endl;

    cout << endl << endl;
    return (0);


Please enter your name:
my name
My Name

Please enter the name of your event:
this event
this Event

Press any key to continue . . .


last 的值在函数调用中持续存在,因为它是一个静态变量。这意味着每次调用都使用上一次调用的最后一个字符的值。您可以更改它以每次捕获一个新变量:

string capitalize(string capitalizeThis)
    getline(cin, capitalizeThis);
    char last = ' ';
    for_each(capitalizeThis.begin(), capitalizeThis.end(), [&last](char & c) 
        if (last == ' ' && c != ' ' && isalpha(c))
            c = ::toupper(c); //capitalize if conditions fulfilled 
        last = c; //iterate
    return capitalizeThis;

请注意,您正在按值传递 string capitalizeThis。您无法在函数中更改传递的字符串的值,因此通过从 main 传递一个字符串您没有做任何事情。
您应该读取 main 中的输入并通过引用将其传递给函数(因为函数无论如何都应该一次做一件事):

void capitalize(string &capitalizeThis)
    char last = ' ';
    for_each(capitalizeThis.begin(), capitalizeThis.end(), [&last](char & c) 
        if (last == ' ' && c != ' ' && isalpha(c))
            c = ::toupper(c); //capitalize if conditions fulfilled 
        last = c; //iterate

然后从 main 调用它

int main()
    string eventName, customerName;
    cout << "\nPlease enter your name:" << endl;
    getline(cin, customerName);
    cout << customerName << endl;

关于多个输入的 C++ 大写函数失败,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45988672/


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