c++ - 以不同方式对待子类/避免代码重复

标签 c++ c++11


How do I check if an object's type is a particular subclass in C++?


class Basic {

class Advanced : public Basic {

AnotherClass::lengthy_method(Basic *basic) {
    // do a lot of processing, access members of basic

    if (*basic is actually of class Advanced)
        // do one or a few specific things with members of Advanced

    // more processing just using Basic

    if (*basic is actually of class Advanced)
        // do one or a few specific things with members of Advanced

    // more processing just using Basic

同样从设计的角度来看,AnotherClass::lengthy_method 不想在 BasicAdvanced 中定义,因为它实际上不属于它们中的任何一个.它只是对它们进行操作。

我很好奇语言专家知道什么,我希望有一个很好的解决方案,也许至少是通过 C++11 的一些功能。


这里可以使用dynamic_cast,只要把你要访问的Advanced成员声明为public,或者AnotherClass 被声明为 Advancedfriend:

AnotherClass::lengthy_method(Basic *basic) {
    // do a lot of processing, access members of basic

    Advanced *adv = dynamic_cast<Advanced*>(basic);
    if (adv != NULL) {
        // use adv as needed...

    // more processing just using Basic

    if (adv != NULL) {
        // use adv as needed...

    // more processing just using Basic

另一种选择是使用多态而不是 RTTI。在 Basic 中公开一些不执行任何操作的额外虚拟方法,然后让 Advanced 覆盖它们:

class Basic {
    virtual void doSomething1() {}
    virtual void doSomething2() {}

class Advanced : public Basic {
    virtual void doSomething1();
    virtual void doSomething2();

void Advanced::doSomething1() {

void Advanced::doSomething2() {

AnotherClass::lengthy_method(Basic *basic) {
    // do a lot of processing, access members of basic

    // do one or a few specific things with members of Advanced

    // more processing just using Basic

    // do one or a few specific things with members of Advanced

    // more processing just using Basic

关于c++ - 以不同方式对待子类/避免代码重复,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23586838/


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