c++ - C++中的头文件

标签 c++

以下错误的头文件: 对“swimmingPool::timeNeeded(int)”的 undefined reference


    #include "swimmingPool.h"

    using namespace std;

    int main()
        cout << "Pool Data: " << endl;
        swimmingPool p(30,15,10,0,0);
        int rate_in;
        cout << "   Length: " << p.length << endl;
        cout << "   Width: "<< p.width << endl;
        cout << "   Depth: "<< p.depth << endl;
        cout << "   Total water in the pool: " << p.water_initially <<endl;
        cout << "To completely fill the pool" << endl;
        cout << "   Enter water fill in rate: ";
        cin >> rate_in;

        cout<< endl;
        cout << endl;
        cout << "Time to fill the pool is approximately: " <<                         p.timeNeeded(rate_in)/3600 << " hours and "<<
        p.timeNeeded(rate_in)%60<< " minutes."<<endl;
        return 0;


    /******************** swimmingPool.h         **********************************************/

    #ifndef __IH__
    #define __IH__

    class swimmingPool{
        int length;
        int width;
        int depth;
        int rate_out;
        int water_initially;
        int waterNeeded();
        int timeNeeded(int in);
        swimmingPool(int a,int b, int c, int d,int e){}



    /******************************** swimmingPoolImp.cpp ****************************/
    #include "swimmingPool.h"

    swimmingPool::swimmingPool(int a,int b, int c, int d,int e) //IT has five         parameters for length/breadth/height/water_initially/rate_out.Rate to be taken input from         user.
            length = a;
            width = b;
            depth = c;
            rate_out = d;
            water_initially = e;

    int swimmingPool::waterNeeded()
        return( length*width*depth - water_initially)*7.48; //conversion factor

    int swimmingPool::timeNeeded(int rate_in)
            if(rate_in > rate_out)
                return (( waterNeeded() / (rate_in - rate_out))*60);
                return (( waterNeeded() / (rate_out - rate_in))*60);


“undefined reference to...”类别中的错误消息通常表示函数、编译的或其他方式未链接到您的可执行文件中。

首先,确保 swimmingPool.cpp 的目标文件(swimmingPool.o 或 windows,swimmingPool.obj)已链接到您的程序中。

如果您已确认,那么您的 make 工具可能在添加 timeNeeded 后忘记重新编译 swimmingPool.cpp,因此该目标文件已过时。如果是这种情况,您应该重新编译 swimmingPool.cpp。



关于c++ - C++中的头文件,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24103213/


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