c++ - 使用带有指针参数的函数从字符数组中删除空格

标签 c++ arrays char spaces

所以我正在研究这本书,我遇到了一个练习,它(简要地)要求我使用函数删除字符数组的所有空格:void removeSpaces(char* s)


这是 main():

int main() {
  char a[SIZE] = "a bb ccc d";
  cout << a << endl; // a bb ccc d
  cout << a << endl; // a bb ccc d instead of abbcccd

这是 removeSpaces():

void removeSpace(char* s) {
  int size = strlen(s);

  char* cpy = s;  // an alias to iterate through s without moving s
  char* temp = new char[size]; // this one produces the desired string
  s = temp; // s points to the beginning of the desired string

  while(*cpy) {
      if(*cpy == ' ')
          *temp++ = *cpy++;

  cout << s << endl; // This prints out the desired result: abbcccd




void removeSpaces(char* s) {
    *std::remove(s, s + strlen(s), ' ') = 0;

关于c++ - 使用带有指针参数的函数从字符数组中删除空格,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27710117/


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