C++ 作业编译错误与 if 语句

标签 c++

在第二个 if 语句中遇到问题,只能读取十个值。如果我删除程序将编译。我在作业中需要它我已经尝试了几次修改,所以这里的内容可能无法反射(reflect)我最后的尝试。 C++ 作业编译错误与 if 语句。详细说明在发布之前我还需要添加多少详细信息,更多详细信息

    #include <iostream>
    #include <fstream>
    using namespace std;

    * Get File
    * This function will prompt the user for the name of the file and
    * return it.

    void getFileName(char fileName[])
        //prompt the user
        cout << "Please enter the filename: ";
        cin >> filename;

        ofstream fout(fileName);

    * Read
    * This function will read the file and return the average score of the
    * ten values.

     float readFile(char fileName[])
         cout.setf(ios::fixed);  //no scientific notation
         cout.precision(0);      //no decimals

         //In case of error
         ifstream fin(filename);
         if (fin.fail())
             cout << "Error reading file \"" << fileName << "\"" << endl;

         float data;          //always need a variable to store the data
         float i = 0;         //don't forget to initialize the variable
         float gradeSum = 0;  
         float average;

         //Add up all the grades
         while (fin >> data)   //while there was not an error
              gradeSum += data; //do the work

         // Hint: Make sure you only read ten values.
         if (i != 10)
             //tell the user what happened
             cout < "Error reading file \"" << fileName << "\"" << endl;

         //Calculate average grade
         average = gradeSum / i;

         //Close file

         return average;

    * Display function
    * This function will display the average score to zero decimals of
    * accuracy.
    void display(float average)
       cout << "Average Grade: " << average << "%" << endl; 

    * main calls average grade and file name
    int main()
       char fileName[256];

       int average = readFile(fileName);
       return 0;


注意 if 语句相对于 while 循环的位置。你的 if 语句什么时候运行?你的 while 循环什么时候运行?

考虑到这些,您将如何调整 while 循环以考虑您的限制(while 循环在 i = 10 时停止执行)?


附言如果 i != 10,if block 的内容将立即退出程序,而不执行任何超出的内容。

if (i != 10)
         //tell the user what happened
         cout < "Error reading file \"" << fileName << "\"" << endl;

关于C++ 作业编译错误与 if 语句,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50673293/


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