c++ - 从全局静态变量切换到静态变量会破坏代码

标签 c++ parallel-processing pthreads

我正在为学校做作业,其中一个要求是我不能使用全局变量,但我确实需要共享内存的静态变量。赋值的前提是使用pthread库和信号量保证创建的线程逆序执行。我已经让它与全局静态信号量/condvar/mutex 一起工作:

#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <semaphore.h>

using namespace std;

#define NUM 5
static sem_t threadCounter;
static pthread_cond_t nextThreadCond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
static pthread_cond_t makingThreadCond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
static pthread_mutex_t makingThreadMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static pthread_mutex_t nextThreadMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;

void *wait_func(void *args)
    // cout<<"Waiting"<<endl;
    // pthread_cond_wait(&makingThreadCond, &makingThreadMutex);
    // cout<<"Woke up"<<endl;
    int tid = *((int *)args);
    int val;
    sem_getvalue(&threadCounter, &val);
    // cout << tid << ":" << val << endl;
    while (tid != val-1)
        pthread_cond_wait(&nextThreadCond, &nextThreadMutex);
        sem_getvalue(&threadCounter, &val);
        // cout<<"evaluating condition in"<<tid<<", val is "<<val<<endl;

    sem_wait(&threadCounter); // decrement threadCounter
    // cout << "after decrement" << endl;
    sem_getvalue(&threadCounter, &val);
    // cout << "decremented val "<<val << endl;
    cout<<"Exiting thread #"<<tid<<endl;

    // cout<<"after nextThreadMutex unlock"<<endl;
    // cout<<"after nextThreadCond broadcast"<<endl;

int main()
    pthread_t tid[NUM];
    if (sem_init(&threadCounter, 0, NUM) < 0)
        cout << "Failed to init sem" << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++)
        int *argId = (int *)malloc(sizeof(*argId));
        *argId = i;
        if (pthread_create(&tid[i], NULL, wait_func, argId))
            cout << "Couldn't make thread " << i << endl;

    for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++)
        pthread_join(tid[i], NULL);

但正如我所说,这是不允许的,所以我尝试将其转换为通过结构共享它们的位置,并使用 pthread_create 参数传入:

#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <semaphore.h>

using namespace std;

#define NUM 5

struct args
    int tid;
    sem_t* sem;
    pthread_cond_t* cond;
    pthread_mutex_t* mut;

void *wait_func(void *args_ptr)
    // cout<<"Waiting"<<endl;
    // pthread_cond_wait(&makingThreadCond, &makingThreadMutex);
    // cout<<"Woke up"<<endl;
    struct args* args = (struct args*) args_ptr;
    int tid = (args->tid);
    pthread_cond_t cond = *(args->cond);
    pthread_mutex_t mut = *(args->mut);
    sem_t sem = *(args->sem);
    int val;
    sem_getvalue(&sem, &val);
    // cout << tid << ":" << val << endl;
    while (tid != val - 1)
        pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &mut);
        sem_getvalue(&sem, &val);
        // cout<<"evaluating condition in"<<tid<<", val is "<<val<<endl;

    sem_wait(&sem); // decrement threadCounter
    // cout << "after decrement" << endl;
    sem_getvalue(&sem, &val);
    // cout << "decremented val "<<val << endl;
    cout << "Exiting thread #" << tid << endl;

    // cout<<"after nextThreadMutex unlock"<<endl;
    // cout<<"after nextThreadCond broadcast"<<endl;

int main()
    static sem_t threadCounter;
    static pthread_cond_t nextThreadCond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
    static pthread_mutex_t nextThreadMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
    pthread_t tid[NUM];
    if (sem_init(&threadCounter, 0, NUM) < 0)
        cout << "Failed to init sem" << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++)
        int *argId = (int *)malloc(sizeof(*argId));
        *argId = i;
        struct args args;
        args.tid = *argId;
        args.sem = &threadCounter;
        args.cond = &nextThreadCond;
        args.mut = &nextThreadMutex;
        if (pthread_create(&tid[i], NULL, wait_func, &args))
            cout << "Couldn't make thread " << i << endl;

    // cout << "Before posting sem" << endl;
    // sem_post(&makingThreads);
    // cout << "Sem posetd" << endl;
    // cout<<"Broadcasting"<<endl;
    // pthread_cond_broadcast(&makingThreadCond);
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++)
        pthread_join(tid[i], NULL);

这会立即卡住两次“Exiting thread #4”。我认为第二个代码等同于第一个代码,只是没有全局变量,但一定有我遗漏的东西。


    struct args args;

这在 for 循环的范围内声明了一个对象。当执行到达 for 循环的末尾时,这个对象被销毁——就像在函数内或某个内部范围内本地声明的任何其他对象一样——这发生在循环再次从开始,或者如果 for 循环完全停止迭代。无论哪种方式,一旦执行到下一个 } 这个对象就会消失。它永远消失了。它被摧毁了。它已经不复存在了。它加入了无形的唱诗类。它成为一个前对象。


    if (pthread_create(&tid[i], NULL, wait_func, &args))


一旦 pthread_create() 返回,循环就结束了,您的 args 对象就消失了,上面提到的情况发生了:它被销毁了;它已经不存在了;它加入了无形的合唱团;它变成了一个前对象。

并且 C 和 C++ 标准绝对不能保证您的新执行线程实际开始运行,并到达它读取此指针的位置,以及它指向的内容,在此循环结束之前.

而且,更有可能的是,每个新的执行线程都不会在主执行线程中读取指向 args 对象的指针,直到它被销毁很久之后。所以它从指向已销毁对象的指针中获取内容。再见。



通常的方法是将 mallocnew everything 传递给新的执行线程,并且将指向 newed 或 malloced 对象的指针传递给执行线程。



    int *argId = (int *)malloc(sizeof(*argId));
    *argId = i;
    struct args args;
    args.tid = *argId;

malloc 对该指针进行赋值,然后将其复制到 args.tid 完全没有任何用处。同样的事情可以简单地通过以下方式完成:

    struct args args;
    args.tid = i;

malloc 唯一做的就是泄漏内存。此外,由于上述原因,在 for 循环的内部范围内声明为局部变量的整个 args 对象注定要失败。

附言当采用“malloc the entire args object”方法时,这也会泄漏内存,除非您也采取措施努力 free malloced 对象,在适当的时候这样做。

关于c++ - 从全局静态变量切换到静态变量会破坏代码,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59121679/


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