c - 使用 pthreads 的简单流水线

标签 c multithreading pthreads mutex

最近我开始研究 pthreads 并尝试使用 pthreads 实现软件流水线。为此,我自己编写了一个玩具程序,其中一个类似程序将成为我主要项目的一部分。

所以在这个程序中,主线程创建并输入输出整数类型的缓冲区,然后创建一个主线程 并将这些缓冲区传递给主线程主线程 依次创建两个工作线程

ma​​in 传递到ma​​ster 线程输入输出缓冲区 的大小nxk(例如 5x10 的 int 大小)。 ma​​ster thread 迭代大小为 k(即 10)的 block n(即 5)次。 ma​​ster thread 中有一个循环运行了 k(此处为 5)次。在 k 的每次迭代中,ma​​ster thread 对大小为 n 的输入数据的一部分进行一些操作,并将其放入 common缓冲区ma​​sterworker 线程 之间共享。 主线程 然后通知工作线程数据已放入公共(public)缓冲区

如果公共(public)缓冲区 准备就绪,两个工作线程 等待来自主线程 的信号。 公共(public)缓冲区 上的操作在工作线程 中分成一半。这意味着一个工作线程 将在前半部分工作,而另一个工作线程 将在公共(public)缓冲区 的后半部分工作。 一旦 worker threadsma​​ster thread 获得信号,每个 worker thread 对他们的一半数据进行一些操作并复制它到输出缓冲区。然后,工作线程 通过设置标志值通知主线程 它们在公共(public)缓冲区 上的操作已完成。为工作线程 创建一组标志。 ma​​ster thread 继续检查是否设置了所有标志,这基本上意味着所有 worker threads 都完成了它们在 common buffer 上的操作,所以 < strong>主线程 可以将下一个数据 block 安全地放入公共(public)缓冲区,供工作线程使用。

所以本质上,ma​​sterworker threads 之间存在着一种流水线方式的通信。最后,我在主线程 中打印输出缓冲区。但是我根本没有输出。我已经复制粘贴了我的代码,几乎所有步骤都有完整的注释。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>

#define MthNum 1 //Number of Master threads
#define WthNum 2 //Number of Worker threads
#define times 5 // Number of times the iteration (n in the explanation)
#define elNum 10 //Chunk size during each iteration (k in the explanation)

pthread_mutex_t mutex; // mutex variable declaration
pthread_cond_t cond_var; //conditional variarble declaration
bool completion_flag = true; //This global flag indicates the completion of the worker thread. Turned false once all operation ends
                             //marking the completion
int *commonBuff; //common buffer between master and worker threads
int *commFlags; //array of flags that are turned to 1 by each worker threads. So worker thread i turns commFlags[i] to 1
                // the master thread turns commFlags[i] = 0 for i =0 to (WthNum - 1)
int *commFlags_s;
int counter; // This counter used my master thread to count if all the commFlags[i] that shows
             //all the threads finished their work on the common buffer
// static pthread_barrier_t barrier;
// Arguments structure passed to master thread
typedef struct{
    int *input; // input buffer
    int *output;// output buffer

// Arguments structure passed to worker thread
typedef struct{
    int threadId;
    int *outBuff;

void* worker_func(void *arguments);
void *master_func(void *);

int main(int argc,char*argv[]){

    int *ipData,*opData;
    int i,j;

    // allocation of input buffer and initializing to 0
    ipData = (int *)malloc(times*elNum*sizeof(int));

    // allocation of output buffer and initializing to 0
    opData = (int *)malloc(times*elNum*sizeof(int));

    pthread_t thread[MthNum];
    master_args* args[MthNum];

    //creating the single master thread and passing the arguments
    for( i=0;i<MthNum;i++){
        args[i] = (master_args *)malloc(sizeof(master_args));
        args[i]->input= ipData;
        args[i]->output= opData;
        pthread_create(&thread[i],NULL,master_func,(void *)args[i]);

    //joining the master thred

    //printing the output buffer values
    for(j =0;j<times;j++ ){
        for(i =0;i<elNum;i++){

    return 0;

//This is the master thread function
void *master_func(void *arguments){

    //copying the arguments pointer to local variables
    master_args* localMasterArgs = (master_args *)arguments;
    int *indataArgs = localMasterArgs->input; //input buffer
    int *outdataArgs = localMasterArgs->output; //output buffer

    //worker thread declaration
    pthread_t Workers[WthNum];
    //worker thread arguments declaration
    worker_args* wArguments[WthNum];
    int i,j;

    pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL);
    pthread_cond_init (&cond_var, NULL);
    counter =0;

    commonBuff = (int *)malloc(elNum*sizeof(int));

    commFlags = (int *)malloc(WthNum*sizeof(int));
    memset(commFlags,0,WthNum*sizeof(int) );
    commFlags_s= (int *)malloc(WthNum*sizeof(int));
    memset(commFlags_s,0,WthNum*sizeof(int) );

    for(i =0;i<WthNum;i++){

        wArguments[i] = (worker_args* )malloc(sizeof(worker_args));
        wArguments[i]->threadId = i;
        wArguments[i]->outBuff = outdataArgs;

        pthread_create(&Workers[i],NULL,worker_func,(void *)wArguments[i]);

    for (i = 0; i < times; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < elNum; j++)
            indataArgs[i + j * elNum] = i + j;

        while (counter != 0) {
            counter = 0;

            for (j = 0; j < WthNum; j++) {
                counter += commFlags_s[j];

        memcpy(commonBuff, &indataArgs[i * elNum], sizeof(int));
        counter = 1;
        while (counter != 0) {
            counter = 0;

            for (j = 0; j < WthNum; j++) {
                counter += commFlags[j];

        // printf("master broad cast\n");
         //releasing the lock


     completion_flag = false;

    for (i = 0; i < WthNum; i++) {
        pthread_join(Workers[i], NULL);


    return NULL;

void* worker_func(void *arguments){

    worker_args* localArgs = (worker_args*)arguments;

    //copying the thread ID and the output buffer
    int tid = localArgs->threadId;
    int *localopBuffer = localArgs->outBuff;
    int i,j;
    bool local_completion_flag=false;


        commFlags[tid] =0;
        commFlags_s[tid] =1;
        commFlags_s[tid] =0;
        commFlags[tid] =1;
        if (tid == 0) {
            for (i = 0; i < (elNum / 2); i++) {
                localopBuffer[i] = commonBuff[i] * 5;
        } else { // Thread ID 1 operating on the other half of the common buffer data and placing on the
                 // output buffer
            for (i = 0; i < (elNum / 2); i++) {
                localopBuffer[elNum / 2 + i] = commonBuff[elNum / 2 + i] * 10;
        pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);//releasing the lock


    return NULL;




  1. 您可以从修复工作线程的创建开始:

    wArguments[i] = (worker_args* )malloc(sizeof(worker_args));
    wArguments[i]->threadId = i;
    wArguments[i]->outBuff = outdataArgs;
    pthread_create(&Workers[i],NULL,worker_func, (void *)wArguments);

您正在初始化 worker_args 结构但不正确 - 将指针传递给数组 (void *)wArguments 而不是指向您刚刚初始化的数组元素的指针。

pthread_create(&Workers[i],NULL,worker_func, (void *)wArguments[i]);
//                                                             ^^^
  1. 在启动使用它的值的线程之前初始化计数器:

    void *master_func(void *arguments)
    /* (...) */
    pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL);
    pthread_cond_init (&cond_var, NULL);
    counter = WthNum;
  2. 启动主线程时,错误地将指针传递给指针:

    pthread_create(&thread[i],NULL,master_func,(void *)&args[i]);


pthread_create(&thread[i],NULL,master_func,(void *) args[i]);
  1. 所有对 counter 变量的访问(与任何其他共享内存一样)必须在线程之间同步。

关于c - 使用 pthreads 的简单流水线,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35456565/


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