c++ - 反序列化构造函数层次结构

标签 c++ serialization boost boost-serialization

(这个问题和this one非常相似,但是这次我调用了Child初始化列表中的Parent反序列化构造函数)。

Child 没有添加要序列化的新数据的情况下, Parent 没有默认构造函数,我希望能够序列化 Parent 对象直接和 Child 对象一样,而且子对象和父对象都没有默认构造函数,看来我们应该使用下面的模式,子对象反序列化构造函数初始化父对象(也使用其反序列化构造函数)在初始化列表中:

#include <boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/text_iarchive.hpp>

#include <fstream>

class Parent
    double mParentData;

    Parent(const double data) : mParentData(data) {}

    template<typename TArchive>
    Parent(TArchive& archive)
        archive >> *this;

    template<class TArchive>
    void serialize(TArchive& archive, const unsigned int version)
        archive & mParentData;

class Child : public Parent

    Child(const double data) : Parent(data) {}

    template<typename TArchive>
    Child(TArchive& archive) : Parent(archive)
        // Do nothing, as the only data to read is in Parent

    template<class TArchive>
    void serialize(TArchive& archive, const unsigned int version)
        // Let the parent do its serialization
        archive & boost::serialization::base_object<Parent>(*this);

        // Nothing else to do, as the only data to read/write is in Parent

int main()
    Child child(1.2);

        std::ofstream outputStream("test.txt");
        boost::archive::text_oarchive outputArchive(outputStream);

        outputArchive << child;

        std::ifstream inputStream("test.txt");
        boost::archive::text_iarchive inputArchive(inputStream);
        Child childRead(inputArchive);

        std::cout << "childRead:" << std::endl
                  << childRead.mParentData << std::endl; // Outputs 0 (expected 1.2)

    return 0;



  • child ::序列化()
  • 父级::序列化()


  • child (存档)
  • parent (存档)
  • 父级::序列化()

但是,mParentDatachildRead 中最终为 0,而我希望它是 1.2 .


------------ 编辑------------

正如@stijn 所指出的,在 child 没有额外数据要序列化的情况下,我们可以简单地从 Child 中完全删除 serialize() 函数,像这样:

#include <boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/text_iarchive.hpp>

#include <fstream>

class Parent
    double mParentData;

    Parent(const double data) : mParentData(data) {}

    template<typename TArchive>
    Parent(TArchive& archive)
        archive >> *this;

    template<class TArchive>
    void serialize(TArchive& archive, const unsigned int version)
        archive & mParentData;

class Child : public Parent

    Child(const double data) : Parent(data) {}

    template<typename TArchive>
    Child(TArchive& archive) : Parent(archive)
        // Do nothing, as the only data to read is in Parent


int main()
    Child child(1.2);

        std::ofstream outputStream("test.txt");
        boost::archive::text_oarchive outputArchive(outputStream);

        outputArchive << child;

        std::ifstream inputStream("test.txt");
        boost::archive::text_iarchive inputArchive(inputStream);
        Child childRead(inputArchive);

        std::cout << "childRead:" << std::endl
                  << childRead.mParentData << std::endl; // Outputs 0 (expected 1.2)

    return 0;

但是,如果子项和父项都有要序列化的数据,并且它们都没有默认构造函数,则模式似乎需要像下面这样,但不完全是。在 Child 反序列化构造函数中,我们既调用了 Parent 反序列化构造函数,也调用了 Child::serialize() 函数,它调用了Parent::serialize() 函数,因此 Parent 会尝试反序列化两次。此处演示了这种不正确的行为:

#include <boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/text_iarchive.hpp>

#include <fstream>

class Parent
    double mParentData;

    Parent(const double data) : mParentData(data) {}

    template<typename TArchive>
    Parent(TArchive& archive)
        archive >> *this;

    template<class TArchive>
    void serialize(TArchive& archive, const unsigned int version)
        archive & mParentData;

class Child : public Parent

    double mChildData;

    Child(const double parentData, const double childData) : Parent(parentData), mChildData(childData) {}

    template<typename TArchive>
    Child(TArchive& archive) : Parent(archive)
        archive >> *this;

    template<class TArchive>
    void serialize(TArchive& archive, const unsigned int version)
        // Let the parent do its serialization
        archive & boost::serialization::base_object<Parent>(*this);

        // Do the child serialization
        archive & mChildData;

int main()
    Child child(1.2, 3.4);

        std::ofstream outputStream("test.txt");
        boost::archive::text_oarchive outputArchive(outputStream);

        outputArchive << child;

        std::ifstream inputStream("test.txt");
        boost::archive::text_iarchive inputArchive(inputStream);
        Child childRead(inputArchive);

        std::cout << "childRead:" << std::endl
                  << childRead.mParentData << std::endl  // Outputs 0.2 (expected 1.2)
                  << childRead.mChildData << std::endl; // Outputs 3.4 correctly

    return 0;

似乎我们需要从 Child 反序列化构造函数中调用不同版本的 Child::serialize() ?或者设置一个标志,如果它是从 Child 反序列化构造函数调用的,则不从 Child::serialize() 显式反序列化 Parent

如果我们将 Child::serialize() 更改为以下内容,我会得到一个段错误:

template<class TArchive>
void serialize(TArchive& archive, const unsigned int version)
    // Let the parent do its serialization
    Parent::serialize(archive, version);

    // Do the child serialization
    archive & mChildData;


我相信您不需要将反序列化转发给父级。 将您的代码更改为

#include <boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/text_iarchive.hpp>

#include <fstream>

class Parent
  double mParentData;

  Parent(const double data) : mParentData(data) {}

  template<typename TArchive>
  Parent(TArchive& archive, bool deserialize = false)
    if (!deserialize)
      archive >> *this;

  template<class TArchive>
  void serialize(TArchive& archive, const unsigned int version)
    archive & mParentData;

class Child : public Parent

  Child(const double data) : Parent(data) {}

  template<typename TArchive>
  Child(TArchive& archive) : Parent(archive, true)
    archive >> *this;

  template<class TArchive>
  void serialize(TArchive& archive, const unsigned int version)
    // Let the parent do its serialization
    archive & boost::serialization::base_object<Parent>(*this);

    // Nothing else to do, as the only data to read/write is in Parent

int main()
    Child child(1.2);
    std::ofstream outputStream("test.txt");
    boost::archive::text_oarchive outputArchive(outputStream);

    outputArchive << child;

    std::ifstream inputStream("test.txt");
    boost::archive::text_iarchive inputArchive(inputStream);
    Child childRead(inputArchive);

    std::cout << "childRead:" << std::endl
      << childRead.mParentData << std::endl; // Outputs 0 (expected 1.2)

  return 0;


关于c++ - 反序列化构造函数层次结构,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36222439/


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