python - 在Python中配置类的最优雅的方式是什么?

标签 python

我正在模拟一个分布式系统,其中所有节点都遵循某种协议(protocol)。这包括评估协议(protocol)中的一些小变化。变体意味着单一方法的替代实现。 所有节点始终遵循相同的变化,这是由实验配置决定的(在任何给定时间只有一个配置处于事件状态)。在不牺牲性能的情况下,最清晰的方法是什么?


class Node(object):

    def dumb_method(self, argument):
        # ...    

    def slow_method(self, argument):
        # ...

    # A lot more methods

class SmarterNode(Node):

    def dumb_method(self, argument):
        # A somewhat smarter variant ...

class FasterNode(SmarterNode):

    def slow_method(self, argument):
        # A faster variant ...


编辑:有一件事我没有足够强调:对于所有设想的用例,似乎在配置时修补类是好的。我的意思是:它可以通过简单的 Node.dumb_method = smart_method 来工作。但不知何故,感觉不太对劲。这种解决方案会让随机的聪明读者感到头疼吗?


您可以使用type函数创建新的子类型。您只需将子类 namespace 作为字典提供给它即可。

# these are supposed to overwrite methods
def foo(self):
    return "foo"

def bar(self):
    return "bar"

def variants(base, methods):
        given a base class and list of dicts like [{ foo = <function foo> }] 
         returns types T(base) where foo was overwritten
    for d in methods:
        yield type('NodeVariant', (base,), d)

from itertools import combinations
def subdicts(**fulldict):
    """ returns all dicts that are subsets of `fulldict` """
    items = fulldict.items()
    for i in range(len(items)+1):
        for subset in combinations(items, i):
            yield dict(subset)

# a list of method variants
combos = subdicts(slow_method=foo, dumb_method=bar)

# base class
class Node(object):
        def dumb_method(self):
            return "dumb"
        def slow_method(self):
            return "slow"

# use the base and our variants to make a number of types
types = variants(Node, combos)

# instantiate each type and call boths methods on it for demonstration
print [(var.dumb_method(), var.slow_method()) for var
          in (cls() for cls in types)]

# [('dumb', 'slow'), ('dumb', 'foo'), ('bar', 'slow'), ('bar', 'foo')]

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