python - Google App Engine 应用到私有(private)云

标签 python google-app-engine google-cloud-datastore autoscaling


我有一个使用 Datastore 的 Python 开发的 Google App Engine 应用程序。由于隐私问题,我的客户现在需要在本地化基础架构中运行此应用程序。一些关键要求是:自动缩放、低延迟和存储 noSQL 数据的能力。我有哪些选择?


我认为你基本上选择了错误的平台,但 AppScale 会帮助你做你想做的事:

AppScale Systems, Inc. develops and supports AppScale, the world’s leading open source rapid development model for building scalable web and mobile applications. AppScale gives you the freedom to run your App Engine application across all public and private clouds or on your own virtual or physical infrastructure. AppScale leverages the App Engine API to allow DEVS to quickly focus on the business logic of the application and frees your OPS from unwieldy software stacks. AppScale Systems is proud to be a Google Cloud Technology Partner.

另一种方法是继续在 GAE 云本身中运行,但通过登录和/或 IP 地址等限制访问。

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