python - 如何使用python从sqlite查询中获取多个字典

标签 python sql sqlite flask

我正在做一个问答项目,更像是 stackoverflow,我正在使用 python、sqlite3 和 flask 框架。这是我的表格:

drop table if exists users;
create table users (
    id integer primary key autoincrement,
    email varchar(120) unique not null,
    password varchar(60) not null,
    username varchar(60) unique not null,
    first_name varchar(60) not null,
    last_name varchar(60) not null,
    created timestamp

drop table if exists profiles;
create table profiles (
    id integer primary key autoincrement,
    user_id integer unique not null,
    bio varchar(140) not null,
    image varchar(250),
    facebook varchar(250),
    twitter varchar(250),
    googleplus varchar(250),
    youtube varchar(250),
    linkedin varchar(250)

drop table if exists questions;
create table questions (
    id integer primary key autoincrement,
    title varchar(225) not null,
    slug varchar(225) not null,
    content text not null,
    user_id integer not null,
    created timestamp

drop table if exists answers;
create table answers (
    id integer primary key autoincrement,
    content content not null,
    user_id integer not null,
    question_id integer not null,
    created timestamp

drop table if exists tags;
create table tags (
    id integer primary key autoincrement,
    title varchar(60) unique not null,
    slug varchar(60) unique not null,
    description varchar(225)

drop table if exists question_tag;
create table question_tag (
    id integer primary key autoincrement,
    question_id integer,
    tag_id integer


INSERT INTO users(email, password, username, first_name, last_name) 
VALUES('', '1234', 'eslam', 'Eslam', 'Mostafa');
INSERT INTO profiles(user_id, bio) VALUES(1, 'Developer');
INSERT INTO tags(title, slug) VALUES('Python', 'python');
INSERT INTO tags(title, slug) VALUES('Linux', 'linux');
INSERT INTO tags(title, slug) VALUES('Ubuntu', 'ubuntu');
INSERT INTO tags(title, slug) VALUES('Apple', 'apple');
INSERT INTO tags(title, slug) VALUES('Open Source', 'open_source');
INSERT INTO questions(title, slug, content, user_id) VALUES('Python is the language i love', 'python_is_the_language_i_love', 'do you love python?', 1);
INSERT INTO question_tag(question_id, tag_id) VALUES(1, 1);
INSERT INTO question_tag(question_id, tag_id) VALUES(1, 2);

我正在尝试获取包含问题信息、用户信息、标签和答案的字典 但我得到的是重复的行:

def get_question(self, question_id):
    cur = self.query("""SELECT AS id,
    questions.title AS title,
    questions.content AS content,
    questions.user_id AS user_id,
    questions.created AS created, AS tag_id,
    tags.title AS tag_title,
    users.username AS user_username,
    users.first_name AS user_first_name,
    users.last_name AS user_last_name, AS answer_id,
    answers.content AS answer_content,
    answers.created AS answer_created,
    question_tag.question_id, question_tag.tag_id
    FROM questions
    JOIN users ON questions.user_id =
    JOIN profiles ON questions.user_id = profiles.user_id
    LEFT JOIN answers ON = answers.question_id
    JOIN question_tag ON = question_tag.question_id
    JOIN tags ON question_tag.tag_id =
    GROUP BY question_tag.question_id, question_tag.tag_id""" % (question_id,))
    rows = cur.fetchall()
    return self.list_from_rows(rows)


{'question' : {}, 'user': {}, 'tags': [{},{},{}], 'answers': [{},{},{}]}


我看到的问题是您正在运行 row.fetchone(),女巫将只获得一条查询记录。查询将返回具有相同数据的两行,除了每行将具有不同的标记信息:

1|Python is the language i love|do you love python?|1||1|Python|eslam|Eslam|Mostafa||||1|1
1|Python is the language i love|do you love python?|1||2|Linux|eslam|Eslam|Mostafa||||1|2


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