python2.7错误: UnboundLocalError: local variable 'i' referenced before assignment

标签 python python-2.7


运行此 python 脚本时出现错误。

def thousandthPrime():
    candidate=5 #candidates for prime no. these are all odd no.s Since starts at 5 therefore we find 998th prime no. as 2 and 3 are already prime no.s
        #print 'Checking =',candidate
        for i in range(2,candidate/2): #if any number from 2 to candidate/2 can divide candidate with remainder = 0 then candidate is not a prime no.
        if i==(candidate/2)-1: # If none divide it perfectly, i will reach candidate/2-1 eventually. So, this is a prime number.
            print 'No. of prime no.s found excluding 2 and 3 =',count, '--->',candidate
            print 'The thousandth prime is',candidate
        candidate+=2 # to go to the next odd number.


File "/home/.../", line 19, in thousandthPrime
    if i==(candidate/2)-1: # If none divide it perfectly, i will reach candidate/2-1 eventually. So, this is a prime number.
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'i' referenced before assignment

但是,如果我将 candidate/2 替换为 candidate,我不会出错,尽管它会增加一些不必要的计算。


您将 candidate 声明为整数。因此 candidate/2 也是一个整数,特别是 2。那么你的 range(2, candidate/2) 就是 range(2, 2)这没什么,所以 i 永远不会被初始化。您需要设置 candidate=5.0 使其成为 float ,一切都应该没问题。

编辑 正如评论中所指出的,简单地重新定义 candidate 会给你一个类型错误,但它应该足以让你走上正轨。请注意,range(x, y) 需要整数,您可能必须在使用 int() 进行除法或限制计算后再次转换为整数。此外,您可能想了解为什么提及与素数测试相关的 math.sqrt 函数

关于python2.7错误: UnboundLocalError: local variable 'i' referenced before assignment,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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