c# - 这是否遵循抽象工厂模式

标签 c# oop design-patterns

根据定义“设计模式:抽象工厂”。通知 IT。原始存档于 2009-10-23。检索于 2012-05-16,Object Creational -> Abstract Factory:.

Intent: Provide an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes."


enum ProductType
    BeautySoap = 1,
    DetergentSoap = 2,
    HairWax = 3,
    BodyWax = 4,
interface ISoap
    string Create(string name);

interface IWax
    string Create(string name);

public class HarWax : IWax
    public string Create(string name)
        return string.Format("Hair Wax {0} created", name);

public class BodyWax : IWax

    public string Create(string name)
        return string.Format("Body wax {0} created", name);
public class BeautySoapFactory : ISoap
    public string Create(string name)
         return string.Format("Toilet soap {0} created", name);

public class DetergentSoapFactory : ISoap
    public string Create(string name)
         return string.Format("Detergent bar {0} created", name);

//factory of factories(Bike Factory, Scooter Factory)
/// <summary>
/// The 'AbstractFactory' interface. 
/// </summary>
interface IBeautyProduct
    ISoap CreateSoap(ProductType type);
    IWax CreateWax(ProductType type);

class HULFactory : IBeautyProduct
    public ISoap CreateSoap(ProductType type)
        switch (type)
            case ProductType.BeautySoap:
                return new BeautySoapFactory();
            case ProductType.DetergentSoap:
                return new DetergentSoapFactory();
                throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Soap '{0}' cannot be created", type));
                //Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Soap '{0}' cannot be created", name));
    public IWax CreateWax(ProductType type)
        switch (type)
            case ProductType.HairWax:
                return new HarWax();
            case ProductType.BodyWax:
                return new BodyWax();
                throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Wax '{0}' cannot be created", type));

class LotusherbalsFactory : IBeautyProduct
    public ISoap CreateSoap(ProductType type)
        switch (type)
            case ProductType.BeautySoap:
                return new BeautySoapFactory();
            case ProductType.DetergentSoap:
                return new DetergentSoapFactory();
                throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Soap '{0}' cannot be created", type));
            //Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Soap '{0}' cannot be created", name));
    public IWax CreateWax(ProductType type)
        switch (type)
            case ProductType.HairWax:
                return new HarWax();
            case ProductType.BodyWax:
                return new BodyWax();
                throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Wax '{0}' cannot be created", type));


这是一个虚构的例子(至少在我看来是这样),所以很难给出真正有用的建议,但我立即想到了一些东西:那个冗长的错误倾向 switch 语句


为了理解为什么 switch 不好让我简化你的场景(你有工厂的工厂......),让我们假设你只有一个:

class Factory 
    public ISoap CreateSoap(ProductType type)
        switch (type)
            case ProductType.BeautySoap:
                return new BeautySoapFactory();
            case ProductType.DetergentSoap:
                return new DetergentSoapFactory();
                throw new ApplicationException();


您正在抛出错误的异常类型,因为未知无效 枚举 值您应该使用InvalidEnumArgumentException:

throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("Unknown product type.", type, typeof(ProductType));

第二个错误是将不同的东西放在同一个枚举中。你有肥皂和蜡。它们完全不相关,您甚至可以使用两种不同的工厂方法来创建它们。这是令人困惑的(在更复杂的情况下,当您有一个 ProductType 参数时,您可能希望可以自由使用它们)然后让我们拆分它们:

public enum SoapTypes {


public ISoap Create(SoapType type)

请注意,您甚至不需要为您的方法使用不同的名称,因为您现在拥有不同的参数类型。您的默认案例现在将仅针对未知值(您将新项目添加到 SoapType 但您忘记更新代码)或明显错误的用法(例如调用Create((SoapType)100) 其中 100 不是文字 (!!!) 值,但它是在某处计算/读取的)。


  • 创建一个新类来实现 ISoap
  • ProductType 添加一个新值。
  • 为您的交换机添加一个新案例。



static Dictionary<SoapType, Type> _soaps = new Dictionary<SoapType, Type>
    { SoapType.Beauty, typeof(BeautySoapFactory) }
    { SoapType.Detergent, typeof(DetergentSoapFactory) }

public ISoap CreateSoap(SoapType type) {
    return (ISoap)Activator.CreateInstance(_soaps[type]);

它看起来更具可读性(对我而言)并且它对动态 更改是开放的(要实例化的类可能不是硬编码在您的源文件中,而是来自配置)。如果映射是可配置的,您可能会使用此方法。


public enum SoapType {
    [FactoryClass(typeof(BeautySoapFactory)] Beauty,
    [FactoryClass(typeof(DetergentSoapFactory)] Detergent,


public ISoap CreateSoap(SoapType type) {
    var descriptor = FactoryClassAttribute.From(type);
    return (ISoap)Activator.CreateInstance(descriptor.Type);

FactoryClassAttribute 就是这个(请注意,此代码可能会被极大地概括)。注意 enum constants are fields :

sealed class FactoryClassAttribute : Attribute {
    public FactoryClassAttribute(Type type) {
        Type = type;

    public Type Type { get; set; }

    public static FactoryClassAttribute From(Enum value) {
        var type = value.GetType();
        return type.GetField(Enum.GetName(type, value))

关于c# - 这是否遵循抽象工厂模式,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32736250/


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