c# - 当我们不等待异步方法时会发生什么

标签 c# asynchronous async-await asp.net-core-2.0

我有一个 .NET CORE 2 后端。在我的一个 Controller 端点中,我正在创建要通过电子邮件发送的邀请。这似乎是端点上的一个巨大瓶颈,在考虑之后,我真的不需要等待这些邀请。如果电子邮件发送失败,我真的无能为力。

如果我不执行 await sendFn() 是否本质上是一个即发即弃的方法?我正在阅读另一个 stackoverflow 线程,我必须执行 sendFn().ContinueWith(t => throw(t)) 才能捕获异常,因为它将在另一个线程中.

我在代码库周围有类似的邮件功能。他们每个人做的事情都略有不同,但是我可以做些什么来包装这些东西,让他们一劳永逸吗?我认为有些地方我不能使用 await(如果可行的话),但有些东西会改变数据库上下文,所以如果我不等待它们,我可能会遇到某些东西正在访问的情况相同的数据库上下文。

public async Task<IActionResult> CreateEvent([FromBody] Event val)
    await _ctx.SaveChangesAsync();

    await SendInvitations(val); // fn in question

    return Ok();

public async Task SendInvitation(Event event)
   forEach (var person in event.people)
     await _ctx.Invitation.Add(person); // This shouldn't happen while another iteration or some other async code elsewhere is using the db ctx.
     await _mailService.SendMail(person.email,"you have been invited"); // don't really need to await this.





public async Task<IActionResult> CreateEvent(Event val)
    await _ctx.SaveChangesAsync();
    await SendInvitation(val);
    return Ok();

public async Task SendInvitation(Event @event)
    foreach (var person in @event.people)
        await _ctx.Invitation.Add(person);
        await _ctx.SaveChangesAsync();
        await _mailService.SendMail(person.email, "you have been invited");


public OK Ok() => new OK();

public class Event
    public List<Person> people = new List<Person>();

public class Person
    public string email;

public interface IActionResult { }

public class OK : IActionResult { }

public class Invitation
    public Task Add(Person person) => Task.Run(() => { });

public static class _ctx
    public static List<Event> Event = new List<Event>();
    public static Invitation Invitation = new Invitation();
    public static Task SaveChangesAsync() { return Task.Run(() => { }); }

public static class _mailService
    public static Task SendMail(string email, string message) { return Task.Run(() => { }); }

然后我像这样更新了 SendInvitation:

public async Task SendInvitation(Event @event)
    foreach (var person in @event.people)
        await _ctx.Invitation.Add(person);
        await _ctx.SaveChangesAsync();
        await _mailService.SendMail(person.email, "you have been invited");
    Console.WriteLine("Done `SendInvitation`.");


var e = new Event();
e.people.Add(new Person() { email = "foo@bar.com" });
CreateEvent(e).ContinueWith(t => Console.WriteLine("Done `CreateEvent`."));
Console.WriteLine("Done `Main`.");


Done `Main`.

Then 2 seconds later:

Done `SendInvitation`.
Done `CreateEvent`.

If I simply change CreateEvent to this:

public async Task<IActionResult> CreateEvent(Event val)
    await _ctx.SaveChangesAsync();
    Task.Run(() => SendInvitation(val));
    return Ok();


Done `Main`.
Done `CreateEvent`.

2 秒后:

Done `SendInvitation`.


关于c# - 当我们不等待异步方法时会发生什么,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51433475/


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