c# - 如何创建一个数组来保存结构?

标签 c# arrays structure

我被要求创建一些结构:学生、教师、类(class)、项目 然后制作一个数组来保存 5 个学生结构,并为数组中学生的字段赋值,我一直在创建数组来保存结构,这里是代码:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Module4Assignment
    class Program
        //Student structure: 
        public struct Student
            public Student (string name , string address , string country , string birthday , int telephone)
                this.Name = name;
                this.Address = address;
                this.Country = country;
                this.Birthday = birthday;
                this.Telephone =telephone;

            public string Name;
            public string Address;
            public string Country;
            public string Birthday;
            public int Telephone;

        //Teacher structure:
        public struct Teacher
            public Teacher(string tname, string taddress, string tcountry, string tbirthday, int ttelephone)
                this.TName = tname;
                this.TAddress = taddress;
                this.TCountry = tcountry;
                this.TBirthday = tbirthday;
                this.TTelephone = ttelephone;

            public string TName;
            public string TAddress;
            public string TCountry;
            public string TBirthday;
            public int TTelephone;

        //Program structure
        public struct Program
            public Program(string pname , string department , int pcredits)
                this.PName = pname;
                this.Department = department;
                this.PCredits = pcredits;

            public string PName;
            public string Department;
            public int PCredits;

        //Course structure
        public struct Course
            public Course(string cname, string day, int ccredits)
                this.CName = cname;
                this.Day = day;
                this.CCredits = ccredits;

            public string CName;
            public string Day;
            public int CCredits;

        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Instantiating 5 students structures:
            Student student1 = new Student();
            Student student2 = new Student();
            Student student3 = new Student();
            Student student4 = new Student();
            Student student5 = new Student();

            //creating the array:
            string[] studentArray = new string[5];


我对您在这里所做的事情有很多疑问,但简单的答案是您不能将 Student 对象放入字符串数组中:

static void Main(string[] args)
        //Instantiating 5 students structures :
        Student student1 = new Student();
        Student student2 = new Student();
        Student student3 = new Student();
        Student student4 = new Student();
        Student student5 = new Student();

        //creating the array :
        Student [] studentArray = new Student[5]; // <---- array of Student!

关于c# - 如何创建一个数组来保存结构?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29630272/


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