c# - 使用 Linq 2 Sql 拍摄项目的快照(克隆)

标签 c# linq-to-sql cloning

我有一个包含多个子表的项目实体,例如 ProjectAwards ProjectTeamMember



var projectEntity = getProjectEntity(projectId);

draftProjectEntity = projectEntity
draftProjectEntity.Status = NewStatus


我找到了这个链接 from Marc Gravell

这是其中的一部分,但它会将子记录更新到新的 draftProject,我需要将其复制到那里。


不幸的是,您在这里所做的是将变量 draftProjectEntity 设置为对 projectEntity 对象的引用。也就是说,它们现在指向同一个对象。您需要做的是 projectEntity深层克隆

There are ways of doing this with Reflection - 如果您要经常这样做 - 那么我强烈建议您研究一下这种方法。

但是,如果您只深入一个级别,或者只针对一小部分对象图,那么可能值得简单地手动完成并在您的实体上实现您自己的 IDeepCloneable...

public interface IDeepCloneable<T>
    T DeepClone();

public class Person : IDeepCloneable<Person> 
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public IList<Address> Addresses { get; set; }

    public Person DeepClone()
        var clone = new Person() { Name = Name.Clone().ToString() };

        //have to make a clone of each child 
        var addresses = new List<Address>();
        foreach (var address in this.Addresses)

        clone.Addresses = addresses;
        return clone;

public class Address : IDeepCloneable<Address>
    public int StreetNumber { get; set; }
    public string Street { get; set; }
    public string Suburb { get; set; }

    public Address DeepClone()
        var clone = new Address()
                            Street = this.Street.Clone().ToString(),
                            StreetNumber = this.StreetNumber, //value type - no reference held
                            Suburb = this.Suburb.Clone().ToString()
        return clone;

var source = personRepository.FetchByName("JoeBlogs1999");
var target = source.DeepClone();

//at this point you could set any statuses, or non cloning related changes to the copy etc..


有关为什么我不为此使用 ICloneable 接口(interface)的信息...请查看此线程:Should I provide a deep clone when implementing ICloneable?

关于c# - 使用 Linq 2 Sql 拍摄项目的快照(克隆),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2695447/


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