c++ - 位数 : preprocessor magic vs modern C++

标签 c++ c++11 bit-manipulation c-preprocessor c++14

假设我想为 16 位 block 中的 64 位整数创建一个编译时构造的位计数查找表。我知道这样做的唯一方法是以下代码:

#define B4(n) n, n + 1, n + 1, n + 2
#define B6(n)   B4(n),   B4(n + 1),   B4(n + 1),  B4(n + 2)  
#define B8(n)   B6(n),   B6(n + 1),   B6(n + 1),  B6(n + 2)
#define B10(n)  B8(n),   B8(n + 1),   B8(n + 1),  B8(n + 2)
#define B12(n)  B10(n),  B10(n + 1),  B10(n + 1), B10(n + 2)
#define B14(n)  B12(n),  B12(n + 1),  B12(n + 1), B12(n + 2)
#define B16(n)  B14(n),  B14(n + 1),  B14(n + 1), B14(n + 2)
#define COUNT_BITS B16(0), B16(1), B16(1), B16(2)

unsigned int lookup[65536] = { COUNT_BITS };

是否有现代 (C++11/14) 方法可以获得相同的结果?



#include <bitset>

int bits_in(std::uint64_t u)
    auto bs = std::bitset<64>(u);
    return bs.count();

生成的汇编器(使用 -O2 -march=native 编译):

bits_in(unsigned long):
        xor     eax, eax
        popcnt  rax, rdi

此时值得一提的是,并非所有 x86 处理器都有此指令,因此(至少使用 gcc)您需要让它知道要编译的架构。

@tambre 提到,实际上,如果可以,优化器会走得更远:

volatile int results[3];

int main()
    results[0] = bits_in(255);
    results[1] = bits_in(1023);
    results[2] = bits_in(0x8000800080008000);   


        mov     DWORD PTR results[rip], 8
        xor     eax, eax
        mov     DWORD PTR results[rip+4], 10
        mov     DWORD PTR results[rip+8], 4



并不是每个人都对解决方案依赖 cpu 帮助来计算位数感到高兴。那么如果我们使用自动生成的表格但允许开发人员配置它的大小呢? (警告 - 16 位表版本的编译时间长)

#include <utility>
#include <cstdint>
#include <array>
#include <numeric>
#include <bitset>

template<std::size_t word_size, std::size_t...Is>
constexpr auto generate(std::integral_constant<std::size_t, word_size>, std::index_sequence<Is...>) {
    struct popcount_type {
        constexpr auto operator()(int i) const {
            int bits = 0;
            while (i) {
                i &= i - 1;
            return bits;
    constexpr auto popcnt = popcount_type();

    return std::array<int, sizeof...(Is)>

template<class T>
constexpr auto power2(T x) {
    T result = 1;
    for (T i = 0; i < x; ++i)
        result *= 2;
    return result;

template<class TableWord>
struct table {
    static constexpr auto word_size = std::numeric_limits<TableWord>::digits;
    static constexpr auto table_length = power2(word_size);
    using array_type = std::array<int, table_length>;
    static const array_type& get_data() {
        static const array_type data = generate(std::integral_constant<std::size_t, word_size>(),
        return data;


template<class Word>
struct use_table_word {

template<class Word, class TableWord = std::uint8_t>
int bits_in(Word val, use_table_word<TableWord> = use_table_word<TableWord>()) {
    constexpr auto table_word_size = std::numeric_limits<TableWord>::digits;

    constexpr auto word_size = std::numeric_limits<Word>::digits;
    constexpr auto times = word_size / table_word_size;
    static_assert(times > 0, "incompatible");

    auto reduce = [val](auto times) {
        return (val >> (table_word_size * times)) & (power2(table_word_size) - 1);

    auto const& data = table<TableWord>::get_data();
    auto result = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < times; ++i) {
        result += data[reduce(i)];
    return result;

volatile int results[3];

#include <iostream>

int main() {
    auto input = std::uint64_t(1023);
    results[0] = bits_in(input);
    results[0] = bits_in(input, use_table_word<std::uint16_t>());

    results[1] = bits_in(0x8000800080008000);
    results[2] = bits_in(34567890);

    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
        std::cout << results[i] << std::endl;
    return 0;




#include <utility>
#include <cstdint>
#include <array>
#include <numeric>
#include <algorithm>

namespace detail {
    template<std::size_t bits, typename = void>
    struct smallest_word;

    template<std::size_t bits>
    struct smallest_word<bits, std::enable_if_t<(bits <= 8)>>
        using type = std::uint8_t;

    template<std::size_t bits>
    struct smallest_word<bits, std::enable_if_t<(bits > 8 and bits <= 16)>>
        using type = std::uint16_t;

    template<std::size_t bits>
    struct smallest_word<bits, std::enable_if_t<(bits > 16 and bits <= 32)>>
        using type = std::uint32_t;

    template<std::size_t bits>
    struct smallest_word<bits, std::enable_if_t<(bits > 32 and bits <= 64)>>
        using type = std::uint64_t;

template<std::size_t bits> using smallest_word = typename detail::smallest_word<bits>::type;

template<class WordType, std::size_t bits, std::size_t...Is>
constexpr auto generate(std::index_sequence<Is...>) {

    using word_type = WordType;

    struct popcount_type {
        constexpr auto operator()(word_type i) const {
            int result = 0;
            while (i) {
                i &= i - 1;
            return result;
    constexpr auto popcnt = popcount_type();

    return std::array<word_type, sizeof...(Is)>

template<class T>
constexpr auto power2(T x) {
    return T(1) << x;

template<std::size_t word_size>
struct table {

    static constexpr auto table_length = power2(word_size);

    using word_type = smallest_word<word_size>;

    using array_type = std::array<word_type, table_length>;

    static const array_type& get_data() {
        static const array_type data = generate<word_type, word_size>(std::make_index_sequence<table_length>());
        return data;

    template<class Type, std::size_t bits>
    static constexpr auto n_bits() {
        auto result = Type();
        auto b = bits;
        while(b--) {
            result = (result << 1) | Type(1);
        return result;

    template<class Uint>
    int operator()(Uint i) const {
        constexpr auto mask = n_bits<Uint, word_size>();
        return get_data()[i & mask];


template<int bits>
struct use_bits {
    static constexpr auto digits = bits;

template<class T>
constexpr auto minimum(T x, T y) { return x < y ? x : y; }

template<class Word, class UseBits = use_bits<8>>
int bits_in(Word val, UseBits = UseBits()) {

    using word_type = std::make_unsigned_t<Word>;
    auto uval = static_cast<word_type>(val);

    constexpr auto table_word_size = UseBits::digits;
    constexpr auto word_size = std::numeric_limits<word_type>::digits;

    auto const& mytable = table<table_word_size>();
    int result = 0;
    while (uval)
        result += mytable(uval);
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wshift-count-overflow"
                uval >>= minimum(table_word_size, word_size);
#pragma clang diagnostic pop

    return result;

volatile int results[4];

#include <iostream>

int main() {
    auto input = std::uint8_t(127);
    results[0] = bits_in(input);
    results[1] = bits_in(input, use_bits<4>());
    results[2] = bits_in(input, use_bits<11>());
    results[3] = bits_in(input, use_bits<15>());

    for (auto&& i : results) {
        std::cout << i << std::endl;

    auto input2 = 0xabcdef;
    results[0] = bits_in(input2);
    results[1] = bits_in(input2, use_bits<4>());
    results[2] = bits_in(input2, use_bits<11>());
    results[3] = bits_in(input2, use_bits<15>());

    for (auto&& i : results) {
        std::cout << i << std::endl;

    auto input3 = -1;
    results[0] = bits_in(input3);
    results[1] = bits_in(input3, use_bits<4>());
    results[2] = bits_in(input3, use_bits<11>());
    results[3] = bits_in(input3, use_bits<15>());

    for (auto&& i : results) {
        std::cout << i << std::endl;

    return 0;



例如,调用 bits_in(int, use_bits<11>()) 得到的汇编输出变为:

        mov     edx, edi
        and     edx, 2047
        movzx   edx, WORD PTR table<11ul>::get_data()::data[rdx+rdx]
        add     eax, edx
        shr     edi, 11
        jne     .L16


关于c++ - 位数 : preprocessor magic vs modern C++,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45188786/


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