c# - 如何创建新的订阅以删除任何以前的订阅者 C# Visual Studio

标签 c# visual-studio delegates

我正在备考,遇到了一道我想不出来的题。它要求为 Radio 类创建一个 TurnOnRadio 方法。此方法应删除远程控制对象的任何电视订阅者。我以为我可以只用 = 而不用 += 或 -= 来做到这一点。当我这样做时说此事件“RemoteControl.channelChange ”只能位于 += 或 -= 的左侧(除非在“远程控制”类型中使用)完成此任务的任何帮助都是赞赏。代码贴在下面。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace RemoteControlApp2
class RemoteControl
    public delegate void ChannelChanged(object remote, RemoteEventsArgs re);
    public event ChannelChanged channelChange;
    private int currentChannel;

    public void ChangeTheCrrentChannel(int newChannel)
        RemoteEventsArgs newRe = new RemoteEventsArgs(newChannel);

        if (channelChange!=null)
            channelChange(this, newRe);

class RemoteEventsArgs : EventArgs
    public int newChannel;

    public RemoteEventsArgs(int nc)
        this.newChannel = nc;

class Television
    private int tvChannel;
    //Your code here
    public void TurnOnTV(RemoteControl Remote)
        Remote.channelChange += new RemoteControl.ChannelChanged(TVChannelChanged);
        Console.WriteLine(Remote.ToString() + " is detected");
    public void TurnOffTV(RemoteControl Remote)
        Remote.channelChange -= new RemoteControl.ChannelChanged(TVChannelChanged);
        Console.WriteLine(Remote.ToString() + " is no longer detected");
    public void TVChannelChanged(Object Remote, RemoteEventsArgs nc)
        Console.WriteLine("The TV channel is changed. New channel is: {0}", nc.newChannel);

class Radio
    private int radioChannel;
    //Your code here
    public void TurnOnRadio(RemoteControl Remote)
        Remote.channelChange = new RemoteControl.ChannelChanged(TVChannelChanged);
        Console.WriteLine(Remote.ToString() + " is deteceted")
    //May need to write RadioChannelChanged method


class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        RemoteControl rc = new RemoteControl();
        Television tv = new Television();


我从公共(public)事件 ChannelChanged channelchange 中取出事件; 所以现在是 public ChannelChanged channelchange; 接下来我完成了 radio 类和 TurnOnRadio 方法,现在该事件已被删除,我可以使用 = 删除所有其他订阅,现在订阅 Remote 在 main 中更改到的任何 channel 。下面发布 radio 类代码。

class Radio
    private int radioChannel;
    //Your code here
    public void TurnOnRadio(RemoteControl Remote)
        Remote.channelChange = new RemoteControl.ChannelChanged(RadioChannelChanged);
        //Console.WriteLine(Remote.ToString() + " is deteceted");
    public void RadioChannelChanged(object Remote,RemoteEventsArgs re)
        radioChannel = re.newChannel;
        Console.WriteLine("Radio channel is changed. New channel is :{0}", re.newChannel);
    //May need to write RadioChannelChanged method


关于c# - 如何创建新的订阅以删除任何以前的订阅者 C# Visual Studio,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36026903/


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