c# - 如何访问其他类中的控件

标签 c#

我正在学习 C#,我需要的是访问来自其他类的表单的控制(相同的命名空间)。

我知道这里有很多关于这个主题的帖子,但没有找到“傻瓜”的完整解决方案,所以我在这里写下我的想法,请告诉我 - 这是正确的方法吗?

背景:我的应用程序中有一些“调试”表单,我需要所有其他表单才能将其事件记录到此表单中。有一些 ListBox 控件,其中写入了来自其他表单的所有日志。当我(或我的一位没有 Visual Studio 的测试员 friend )玩应用程序时发生了一些不好的事情,我可以查看该调试表单以查看所有详细日志,了解在那个“错误时刻'.

我的应用程序主要形式 (frmMain):

namespace myNamespace {

public partial class frmMain : Form {

private frmDebug debug;  // frmDebug is declared in other class
                         // we will hold reference to frmDebug form in 'debug'

public frmMain() {         // constructor of the main form 'frmMain'
  debug = new frmDebug();  // we create new instance of frmDebug immediately when
}                          // our main form is created (app started) and whole time
                           // of running this app we can access frmDebug from
                           // within frmMain through 'debug' variable

// clicking button 'btnLoggingTest', the log is written 
// in the 'frmDebug' form even if it is closed (not visible)
private void btnLoggingTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
  debug.Log("log this text for me please");

// Click handler of the button 'btnShowDebug' :
private void btnShowDebug_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
  debug.ShowDialog();    // here we can show frmDebug (in 'modal' style)
}                        // just to see what log-information is written there

} // frmMain class

} // namespace

这是类 frmDebug 本身的代码: (窗体上只有一个Listbox)

namespace myNamespace {
public partial class frmDebug : Form {

public frmDebug() {

public void Log(string txt) {    // this is the actual 'Log' function (or method)
  Application.DoEvents();        // if the logging takes place in some 
}                                // computing-intensive 'loop' or function,
                                 // (or in my case FTP login and upload process)
                                 // 'DoEvents' ensures every log appears immediately
                                 // after the 'Log()' was called. Otherwise all logs
                                 // would appear together at once, as soon as the 
                                 // computing-intensive 'loop' is finished

} // class frmDebug

} // namespace

我的胃里有一种奇怪的感觉,我做错了,所以请告诉我如何正确地做 :)




var mainForm = new frmMain();


public static frmDebug DebuggingForm { get; private set; }


DebuggingForm = new frmDebug();
var mainForm = new frmMain();


Program.DebuggingForm.Log("log this text for me please");         

关于c# - 如何访问其他类中的控件,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9831930/


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