java - Struts2 - 我如何使用 <s :a> without previously knowing the action that I'll use?

标签 java jsp struts2

我必须在 JSP 中显示多个链接,并且每个链接的 HTML 结构都是相同的,因此我使用了 struts2 taglib 迭代器来构建它。问题是我不知道如何建立链接本身:

我的 JSP

<%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags"%>
<div class="menuBotoes">
    <s:iterator value="links" var="link">
        <s:a namespace="link.nameSpace" action="link.action">
            <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tableBotaoMenu">
                <tr class="trCimaBotaoMenuSelect">
                    <td align="center" class="imagemBotaoMenuSelect"><img src="<s:url value="/includes/imagens/global/botoes/grafico.png" />" /></td>
                    <td align="left" class="descricaoBotaoMenuSelect"><s:property value="textoLink" /></td>
                <tr class="trBaixoBotaoMenuSelect">
                    <td align="center" class="imagemBotaoMenuSelect" colspan="2"><s:property value="projeto" /></td>

在 JSP 中迭代的对象是这样的:

public enum LinksRelatorios {

    1("Caixa Visita", "/relatorios/", "iniciarRelatorioCaixaVisita", "TISS"),
    2("Caixa Visita Empresa", "/relatorios/", "iniciarRelatorioCaixaVisitaEmpresa", "TISS"),
    3("Produtividade Internação Domiciliar", "/relatorios/", "iniciarRelatorioInternacaoDomiciliar", "TISS"),
    4("Pendências", "/relatorios/", "iniciarRelatorioPendencias", "TISS"),
    5("Solicitação Inicial", "/relatorios/", "iniciarRelatorioSolicitacaoInicial", "TISS"),
    6("Solicitação Prorrogação", "/relatorios/", "iniciarRelatorioSolicitacaoProrrogacao", "TISS"),
    7("Tempo Resposta", "/relatorios/", "iniciarRelatorioTempoResposta", "TISS");

    private String textoLink;
    private String nameSpace;
    private String action;
    private String projeto;

    private LinksRelatorios(final String textoLinkParam, final String nameSpaceParam, final String actionParam,
            final String projetoParam) {
        this.textoLink = textoLinkParam;
        this.nameSpace = nameSpaceParam;
        this.action = actionParam;
        this.projeto = projetoParam;

    public String getTextoLink() {
        return this.textoLink;

    public String getNameSpace() {
        return this.nameSpace;

    public String getAction() {
        return this.action;

    public String getProjeto() {
        return this.projeto;


public class InicioAction extends BaseAction {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -1161409943678292285L;

    private static final LinksRelatorios[] links = LinksRelatorios.values();

    public String inicio() {
        this.addActionMessage(this.getText("msg.sucesso.saudacao.mensagem", new String[] { (String) BaseAction
                .getSession().getAttribute(Constantes.PERFIL) }));
        return Action.SUCCESS;

    public String iniciarRelatoriosPorProjeto() {
        return Action.SUCCESS;

    public String iniciarRelatoriosFiltro() {
        return Action.SUCCESS;

    public static LinksRelatorios[] getLinks() {
        return InicioAction.links;

我试过使用 <s:a namespace="link.nameSpace" action="link.action"> , < s:a namespace="%{link.nameSpace}" action="%{link.action}"> , <s:a namespace="#link.nameSpace" action="#link.action"> , 但似乎不起作用。

在有人问之前,枚举工作正常,在我的 JSP 中我有 <s:property value="projeto" /><s:property value="textoLink" />这些是来自枚举的属性。

我已阅读 中的在线官方文档,但与 PrimeFaces 或 RichFaces 等已经构建了自己的展示柜的框架相比,示例部分实际上非常差。



<s:a namespace="%{#link.nameSpace}" action="%{#link.action}">

使用 %{} 使 struts2 计算 {} 内表达式的内容,然后将结果分配给属性。


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