java - Zookeeper 错过了连续更改的事件

标签 java apache-zookeeper apache-curator

我目前有一个带有单个 Zookeeper 节点和 Curator 的设置来访问数据。读取数据是通过 Curator TreeCache 完成的。


public void test_callback_successive_changes_success_global_new_version() throws InterruptedException {

    ZookeeperTestsHelper.createNewNodeInZookeeperSingleCommand("/my/path/new_node", "some string4", curator);
    ZookeeperTestsHelper.createNewNodeInZookeeperSingleCommand("/my/path/new_node", "some string5", curator);

    assertThat(<check what events the listener heard>);


    public static void createNewNodeInZookeeperSingleCommand(final String fullPathOfValueInZookeeper, final String valueToSet, final CuratorFramework curator) {
    try {
        if (curator.checkExists().forPath(fullPathOfValueInZookeeper) != null) {
            System.out.println("E: " + valueToSet);
            //Node already exists just set it
            curator.setData().forPath(fullPathOfValueInZookeeper, valueToSet.getBytes());
        } else {
            System.out.println("N: " + valueToSet);
            //Node needs to be created
            curator.create().creatingParentsIfNeeded().forPath(fullPathOfValueInZookeeper, valueToSet.getBytes());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Error", e);

我期望缓存监听器将首先听到添加了“some string 4”的节点的事件,然后听到添加了“some string 5”的节点的另一个事件。

相反,我只接收添加了值“some string 5”的节点的事件

查看日志,两个命令都正在执行。即“N:某个字符串 4”和“E:某个字符串 5”都被记录。 Zookeeper 中的最终值是正确的(“某个字符串 5”),但我不明白为什么 Curator 缓存只看到一个事件?


ZooKeeper(或 Curator 的 TreeCache)不保证您不会错过连续更改的事件。保证您不会看到与其他客户端所看到的顺序不同的连续更改。

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