java - 滚动文件实现

标签 java file logging filewriter rollingfileappender




write method:
    size = file size + size of string to write
    if(size > limit)
        close the file writer
        open file reader
        read the file
        close file reader
        open file writer (clears the whole file)
        remove the size from the beginning to accommodate for new string to write
        write the new truncated string
    write the string we received


具体来说,我很想看到 Java 中的解决方案。

编辑:通过从开头删除大小,假设我有 20 字节字符串(这是限制),我想编写另一个 3 字节字符串,因此我从开头删除 3 个字节,并留下结尾17 个字节,通过附加新字符串,我有 20 个字节。


因为你的问题让我研究了它,所以这里有一个来自 logback 日志框架的示例。 RollingfileAppender#rollover() 方法如下所示:

public void rollover() {
    synchronized (lock) {
        // Note: This method needs to be synchronized because it needs exclusive
        // access while it closes and then re-opens the target file.
        // make sure to close the hereto active log file! Renaming under windows
        // does not work for open files

        try {
            rollingPolicy.rollover(); // this actually does the renaming of files
        } catch (RolloverFailure rf) {
            addWarn("RolloverFailure occurred. Deferring roll-over.");
            // we failed to roll-over, let us not truncate and risk data loss
            this.append = true;

        try {
            // update the currentlyActiveFile           
            currentlyActiveFile = new File(rollingPolicy.getActiveFileName());

            // This will also close the file. This is OK since multiple
            // close operations are safe.
            // COMMENT MINE this also sets the new OutputStream for the new file
        } catch (IOException e) {
            addError("setFile(" + fileName + ", false) call failed.", e);

正如您所看到的,逻辑与您发布的非常相似。他们关闭当前的 OutputStream,执行翻转,然后打开一个新的 (openFile())。显然,这一切都是在同步块(synchronized block)中完成的,因为许多线程正在使用记录器,但一次只能发生一次翻转。

RollingPolicy 是关于如何执行翻转的策略,TriggeringPolicy 是关于何时执行翻转的策略。使用 logback,您通常会根据文件大小或时间来制定这些策略。

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