C++ While循环不迭代到文本文件中的下一行

标签 c++ while-loop

我的循环似乎有一个大问题。 程序的作用:程序读取一个文本文件,并以字符串格式给出文本文件的每一行。我想要的字符串中的数据由制表符分隔,因此我正在解析,找到制表符并将所有字符相加,直到我点击第一个制表符。然后我将字符添加到选项卡并将其添加到数组中,以便稍后评估数据。

My Inner while Loop is parsing my first line correctly but is not iterating to the next line in the text file.

//Creates a temporary array
string current_line; //declare var line
string temp_string = "";
//When getline hits 'n' we are adding that to the string current_line
cout<<"Entering the Loop \n"<<endl;

// Gets the first line in the Text file and continutes to get each  new line
// until we hit the end of file

    //cout << "CURRENT SIZE " << current_line.size() << endl;

    /* iterates through each character as long as the size of the current
    line is greater than the counter i
    while(i < current_line.size()){

        // If the Current character in the line is NOT a tab we add the
        // character to string temp_storage
        if(current_line[i] != '\t'){
            temp_storage +=current_line[i];

        /*If the Current Character in the line is a tab then we store
        string temp_storage into another variable. Temp is cleared so we
        can get the next word in the string
        else if (current_line[i] =='\t'){
             Storage = temp_storage;
            cout << "Current val:  "<< Storage <<endl;
            // Clears the temporary storage
            temp_storage = "";
            cout << "Clearing the temp_storage..."<< temp_storage<<endl;
        //out << i << endl;
        i++; // iterates the loop
    cout<<"loop finished"<<endl;



enter image description here


如果您不喜欢像流迭代器这样的“现代”东西,我会按预期使用“旧”结构。试试 for环形。 while 语句可以做任何事情,但如果你只是用计数器迭代,一个 for loop 更适合。


for ( int i=0; i<current_line.size(); i++ )


关于C++ While循环不迭代到文本文件中的下一行,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46500047/


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