c++ - 核心常量表达式和数组索引

标签 c++ constant-expression


Core constant expressions

int main() {
    const std::size_t tabsize = 50;
    int tab[tabsize]; // OK: tabsize is a constant expression

    std::size_t n = 50;
    const std::size_t sz = n;
    int tab2[sz]; // error: sz is not a constant expression
                  // because sz is not initialized with a constant expression

当我使用 (gcc 4.2) 编译上面的代码段时:

g++ -ggdb -pedantic -std=c++14 -Wall


 warning: variable length arrays are a C99 feature
    int tab2[sz]; // error: sz is not a constant expression


has integral or enumeration type and refers to a complete non-volatile const object, which is initialized with a constant expression



支持可变长度数组是一种编译器扩展,标准通常允许这种扩展,只要它不会使一致的代码表现不同,并且只要它们它是一种扩展( GCC 会处理该警告):

A conforming implementation may have extensions (including additional library functions), provided they do not alter the behavior of any well-formed program. Implementations are required to diagnose programs that use such extensions that are ill-formed according to this document. Having done so, however, they can compile and execute such programs.


如果需要,您可以通过 -pedantic-errors 禁用所有扩展。

关于c++ - 核心常量表达式和数组索引,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50440758/


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