c++ - 错误 : no operator "<" matches these operands

标签 c++ qt stl std


error: no operator "<" matches these operands
operand types are: const QVector3D < const QVector3D
{ return __x < __y; }

我正在使用 QVector3Dstd::setstd::hypot .有什么方法可以实现重载 operator<对于 QVector3D能够在我的代码中使用它?

std::pair<QVector3D, QVector3D> NearestNeighbor::nearest_pair(std::vector<QVector3D> points)
     // // Sort by X axis
     std::sort( points.begin(), points.end(), [](QVector3D const &a, QVector3D const &b) { return a.x() < b.x(); } );

     // // First and last points from `point` that are currently in the "band".
     auto first = points.cbegin();
     auto last = first + 1;

     // // The two closest points we've found so far:
     auto first_point = *first;
     auto second_point = *last;

     std::set<QVector3D> band{ *first, *last };

     // // Lambda function to find distance
     auto dist = [] (QVector3D const &a, QVector3D const &b) { return std::hypot(a.x() - b.x(), a.y() - b.y()); };

     float d = dist(*first, *last);

     while (++last != points.end()) {
         while (last->x() - first->x() > d) {

         auto begin = band.lower_bound({ 0, last->y() - d, 0 });
         auto end   = band.upper_bound({ 0, last->y() + d, 0 });

         assert(std::distance(begin, end) <= 6);

         for (auto p = begin; p != end; ++p) {
             if (d > dist(*p, *last)) {
                 first_point = *p;
                 second_point = *last;
                 d = dist(first_point, second_point);

     return std::make_pair(first_point, second_point);


在@CuriouslyRecurringThoughts 的帮助下,通过替换解决了问题:

std::set<QVector3D> band{ *first, *last };


auto customComparator = [](QVector3D const &a, QVector3D const &b) { return a.y() < b.y(); };
std::set<QVector3D, decltype (customComparator)> band({ *first, *last }, customComparator);


auto customComparator = [](QVector3D const &a, QVector3D const &b) { return a.y() < b.y(); };
std::set<QVector3D, decltype (customComparator)> band(customComparator);


我认为你有多种可能性。是的,你可以重载 operator<如评论中所述,但我建议不要这样做:您需要针对此特定用例的特定比较功能,也许在其他地方您需要不同的顺序。除非类型的顺序关系很明显,否则我建议避免重载运算符。


auto customComparator = [](QVector3D const &a, QVector3D const &b) { return a.x() < b.x(); };

std::set<QVector3D, decltype(customComparator)> set(customComparator);


我不清楚 band 是什么set 正在尝试实现,但由于您在 y() 上调用上限和下限坐标,也许你想比较 y()但这意味着两个点具有相同的 y()将被视为相等并且 std::set不允许重复。

否则,您可以查看std::unordered_set ( https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/unordered_set ) 不需要排序,只需要元素有 operator ==和一个哈希函数。

编辑:另一种选择: 你可以使用 std::vector然后使用免费功能 std::lower_boundstd::upper_bound具有自定义比较功能,请参见 https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/lower_bound

关于c++ - 错误 : no operator "<" matches these operands,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56911430/


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