c++ - 片段着色器在不同的计算机上执行不同

标签 c++ opengl graphics glsl


现在它只是一个简单的 Phong 光照计算,在原点有一个点光源。然而,在实验室计算机上,它看起来更像是 cel shading 和手电筒之间的一些奇怪的交叉。我运行 ATI 显卡,而实验室计算机运行 NVIDIA。阴影在 Mac 上也按预期工作(不知道显卡)。

NVIDIA 显卡最高支持 OpenGL 3.1,但我在 2.1 的 Linux 发行版上运行它。我已经尝试将着色器版本限制为 1.2 (GLSL),以及其他一些东西,但它们取得了相同的结果。最奇怪的是,当我进行顶点着色而不是像素着色时,两台计算机上的结果是相同的......我已经用尽了所有关于如何解决这个问题的想法。


#version 120

  attribute vec2 aTexCoord;
  attribute vec3 aPosition;
  attribute vec3 aNormal;
  attribute vec3 camLoc;
  attribute float mat;

  varying vec3 vColor;
  varying vec2 vTexCoord;
  varying vec3 normals;
  varying vec3 lightPos;
  varying vec3 camPos;
  varying float material;

uniform mat4 uProjMatrix;
uniform mat4 uViewMatrix;
uniform mat4 uModelMatrix;
uniform mat4 uNormMatrix;

uniform vec3 uLight;
uniform vec3 uColor;

void main()
  //set up object position in world space
  vec4 vPosition = uModelMatrix * vec4(aPosition, 1.0);
  vPosition = uViewMatrix * vPosition;
  vPosition = uProjMatrix * vPosition;
  gl_Position = vPosition;

  //set up light vector in world space
  vec4 vLight = vec4(uLight, 1.0) * uViewMatrix;
  lightPos = vLight.xyz - vPosition.xyz;

  //set up normal vector in world space
  normals = (vec4(aNormal,1.0) * uNormMatrix).xyz;

  //set up view vector in world space
  camPos = camLoc.xyz - vPosition.xyz;

  //set up material shininess
  material = mat;

  //pass color and vertex
  vColor = uColor;
  vTexCoord = aTexCoord;


#version 120

  varying vec3 lightPos;
  varying vec3 normals;
  varying vec3 camPos;
  varying vec2 vTexCoord;
  varying vec3 vColor;
  varying float material;

uniform sampler2D uTexUnit;

uniform mat4 uProjMatrix;
uniform mat4 uViewMatrix;
uniform mat4 uModelMatrix;

void main(void) 
  float diffuse;
  float diffuseRed, diffuseBlue, diffuseGreen;
  float specular;
  float specRed, specBlue, specGreen;
  vec3 lightColor = vec3(0.996, 0.412, 0.706); //color of light (HOT PINK) **UPDATE WHEN CHANGED**
  vec4 L; //light vector
  vec4 N; //normal vector
  vec4 V; //view vector
  vec4 R; //reflection vector
  vec4 H; //halfway vector
  float red;
  float green;
  float blue;
  vec4 texColor1 = texture2D(uTexUnit, vTexCoord);

      //diffuse calculations
        L = vec4(normalize(lightPos),0.0);
        N = vec4(normalize(normals),0.0);
        N = uModelMatrix * N;

        //calculate RGB of diffuse light
        diffuse = max(dot(N,L),0.0);
        diffuseRed = diffuse*lightColor[0];
        diffuseBlue = diffuse*lightColor[1];
        diffuseGreen = diffuse*lightColor[2];

      //specular calculations
        V = vec4(normalize(camPos),0.0);
        V = uModelMatrix * V;

        R = vec4(-1.0 * L.x, -1.0 * L.y, -1.0 * L.z, 0.0);
        float temp = 2.0*dot(L,N);
        vec3 tempR = vec3(temp * N.x, temp * N.y, temp * N.z);
        R = vec4(R.x + tempR.x, R.y + tempR.y, R.z + tempR.z, 0.0);
        R = normalize(R);

        H = normalize(L + V);

        specular = dot(H,R);
        specular = pow(specular,material);
        specRed = specular*lightColor[0];
        specBlue = specular*lightColor[1];
        specGreen = specular*lightColor[2];

      //set new colors
        red = texColor1[0]*diffuseRed + texColor1[0]*specRed*0.7 + texColor1[0]*.05;
        green = texColor1[1]*diffuseBlue + texColor1[1]*specBlue*0.7 + texColor1[1]*.05;
        blue = texColor1[2]*diffuseGreen + texColor1[2]*specGreen*0.7 + texColor1[2]*.05;

        red = vColor[0]*diffuseRed + vColor[0]*specRed*0.7 + vColor[0]*.05;
        green = vColor[1]*diffuseBlue + vColor[1]*specBlue*0.7 + vColor[1]*.05;
        blue = vColor[2]*diffuseGreen + vColor[2]*specGreen*0.7 + vColor[2]*.05;

      gl_FragColor = vec4(red, green, blue, 1.0);



下面的代码是错误的。该评论具有误导性(它在剪辑空间中,而不是世界空间中)。但主要问题是您在使用剪辑空间坐标时用 vPosition 覆盖它,就好像它在这部分之后几行的 View 空间中一样。

//set up object position in world space
vec4 vPosition = uModelMatrix * vec4(aPosition, 1.0);
vPosition = uViewMatrix * vPosition;
vPosition = uProjMatrix * vPosition;
gl_Position = vPosition;

下面的代码也是错误的。首先你需要matrix * vector,而不是vector * matrix。而且,评论说 world space,但您在 view space 中计算 vLight 并添加 vPosition 剪辑空间!

//set up light vector in world space
vec4 vLight = vec4(uLight, 1.0) * uViewMatrix;
lightPos = vLight.xyz - vPosition.xyz;

同样,矩阵 * vector :

//set up normal vector in world space
normals = (vec4(aNormal,1.0) * uNormMatrix).xyz;

现在这是什么? camPos 是在世界坐标中计算的,但您应用了将模型空间转换为世界空间的模型矩阵。

//specular calculations
V = vec4(normalize(camPos),0.0);
V = uModelMatrix * V;


真的需要再次阅读您的着色器,每次看到一个 vector 时,问问自己“这个 vector 在什么坐标空间中有意义?”每次看到矩阵时,问问自己“这个矩阵从什么坐标空间转换到什么坐标空间?”

关于c++ - 片段着色器在不同的计算机上执行不同,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14677992/


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