javascript - 使用 Plotly 中的新数据更新图形的高性能方法?

标签 javascript plotly

我想使用滑动条更新我的条形图,以显示每个条形的值。但是,我希望条形图随着 slider 的变化 动态变化。我使用 oninput 实现了这一点。目前,我有以下内容,这很滞后。


    <!-- Plotly.js -->
    <script src=""></script>

    <h1> Plotly Test</h1>
    <div id="PlotlyTest" style="width: 480px; height: 400px;"><!-- Plotly chart will be drawn inside this DIV --></div>

    <p> Adjust Value 1</p>
    <form oninput="amount.value=rangeInput.value">
        <input type="range" id="rangeInput" name="rangeInput" min="0" max="100" value="get_min() " oninput="adjustValue1(this.value)">
        <output name="amount" for="rangeInput"></output>

    <script src="functionality.js"></script> 


var data = [{
    x: ['VALUE 1'], // in reality I have more values...
    y: [20],
    type: 'bar'
Plotly.newPlot('PlotlyTest', data);

function adjustValue1(value)
    data[0]['y'][0] = value;

根据 this ,使用 Plotly.redraw 并不是最快的方法。但那又是什么呢?


我很快就把它放在一起了(好吧,我花了很大的力气才知道怎么做;我刚刚修改了一些我所做的工作以适应这个答案)。据我所知,Plotly.animate() 函数是更新轨迹的最快方法。

update = {
    x: data[0].x,
    y: data[0].y,
    opacity: 1 // You can do things like change the opacity too

Plotly.animate(div="graph", {
    data: update,
    traces: [0], /* With a bit of work, you can list any other traces you
         want to update too (e.g. make a for loop over trace++ and set
         update[trace] at each iteration) */
    layout: {}
}, {
    // These 2 make sure the plot updates as quickly as possible:
    transition: {duration: 0},
    frame: {duration: 0, redraw: false}

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