javascript - string.charAt(x) 还是 string[x]?

标签 javascript string

有什么理由我应该使用 string.charAt(x) 而不是括号表示法 string[x]


括号表示法现在适用于所有主流浏览器,IE7 及以下版本除外。

// Bracket Notation
"Test String1"[6]

// charAt Implementation
"Test String1".charAt(6)


This notation does not work in IE7. The first code snippet will return undefined in IE7. If you happen to use the bracket notation for strings all over your code and you want to migrate to .charAt(pos), this is a real pain: Brackets are used all over your code and there's no easy way to detect if that's for a string or an array/object.

You can't set the character using this notation. As there is no warning of any kind, this is really confusing and frustrating. If you were using the .charAt(pos) function, you would not have been tempted to do it.

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