javascript - 如何在 odoo 8 中重写 js 函数?

标签 javascript python xml postgresql odoo

想要在odoo 8中自定义IM聊天按钮。我想让它对除了一组之外的其他人不可见,所以我将js文件继承到了我的模块中。原始文件是im_chat.js文件。

if(openerp.web && openerp.web.UserMenu) {
        do_update: function(){
            var self = this;
            var Users = new openerp.web.Model('res.users');
  'has_group', ['bms.group_custom_chats']).done(function(is_employee) {
                if (is_employee) {
                    self.update_promise.then(function() {
                        var im = new openerp.im_chat.InstantMessaging(self);
                        openerp.im_chat.single = im;
                        var button = new openerp.im_chat.ImTopButton(this);
                        button.on("clicked", im, im.switch_display);
                        // button.appendTo(window.$('.oe_systray'));
            return this._super.apply(this, arguments);


这就是我重写基本 js 脚本的方式 我已将 im_chat.js 文件保存到我的 文件中。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <template id="custom_unique_id" name="some name to template" inherit_id="web.assets_backend">
        <xpath expr="." position="inside">
            <script type="text/javascript" src="/bms/static/src/js/im_chat.js"></script>

这是用于检查群组用户的 python 代码。

def has_group(self, cr, uid, group_ext_id):
    """Checks whether user belongs to given group.

    :param str group_ext_id: external ID (XML ID) of the group.
       Must be provided in fully-qualified form (``module.ext_id``), as there
       is no implicit module to use..
    :return: True if the current user is a member of the group with the
       given external ID (XML ID), else False.
    assert group_ext_id and '.' in group_ext_id, "External ID must be fully qualified"
    module, ext_id = group_ext_id.split('.')
    cr.execute("""SELECT 1 FROM res_groups_users_rel WHERE uid=%s AND gid IN
                    (SELECT res_id FROM ir_model_data WHERE module=%s AND name=%s)""",
               (uid, module, ext_id))
    return bool(cr.fetchone())




您需要使用模板 ID 作为 im_chat.assets_backend,而不是 custom_unique_id。请在您的xml文件中添加以下代码并升级模块,您将看到模块的效果。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <template id="im_chat.assets_backend" name="im_chat assets"
            <xpath expr="." position="inside">
                <script type="text/javascript" src="/bms/static/src/js/im_chat.js"></script>

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