Bash 脚本 - 如何从文本文件中删除行/单词?

标签 bash shell sed user-input




    function remove_book
  echo "Title: "
  read title
  echo "Author: "
  read name

  echo $title $name < BookDB.txt
  echo "Book $title by $name successfully removed!"

  sed '/pattern to match/d' ./BookDB.txt  

  #echo "testing remove"



The Hobbit
J.R.R. Tolkien
The Hobbit J.R.R. Tolkien
Book The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien successfully removed!
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows J.K. Rowling
The Maze Runner James Dashner
Life Without Limits Nick Vujicic
The Hobbit J.R.R. Tolkien


1)  Add new book
2)  Remove existing book info
3)  Update book info and quantity
4)  Search for book by title/author
5)  Process a book sold
6)  Inventory summary report
7)  Quit
Please enter your option: 2
Title : Biography of Crocodile Dundee
Author : Crox Swamplund
    Error! Book does not exists!

1)  Add new book
2)  Remove existing book info
3)  Update book info and quantity
4)  Search for book by title/author
5)  Process a book sold
6)  Inventory summary report
7)  Quit
Please enter your option: 2
Title : C++ for dummies
Author : Edward Scissorhands
Book Title ‘C++ for dummies’ removed successfully!



Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows J.K. Rowling
The Maze Runner James Dashner
Life Without Limits Nick Vujicic
The Hobbit J.R.R. Tolkien [remove one line, like this Hobbit book]

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows J.K. Rowling
The Maze Runner James Dashner
Life Without Limits Nick Vujicic

如何删除一行?用户输入标题和作者姓名后? 请帮助我谢谢! :)


请勿使用 sed 执行此操作。在某些时候,某个地方的某人会写一本名为“好时光/坏时光”或“Ca$h ca$h ca$h!!!1!在业余时间赚$$$!”的书。或者“你一直想知道什么(但从来不敢问)”,sed 会把它搞砸,因为特殊字符对其模式匹配引擎有意义。

您可以使用 GNU awk 来完成此操作,如下所示:

awk -i inplace -v title="$title" -v author="$name" '$0 != title " " author' BookDB.txt

这将从文件中选择不完全是 $title 内容的所有行,后跟一个空格,后跟 $name 的内容。由于 shell 变量没有替换到 awk 代码中,而是通过 awk 的 -v 参数传递,因此不会发生特殊字符的解释。


cp BookDB.txt BookDB.txt~
awk -v title="$title" -v author="$name" '$0 != title " " author' BookDB.txt~ > BookDB.txt

然后,如果出现问题或者您删除了错误的书,则可以轻松回滚。此外,这还可以与 GNU 之外的其他 awk 一起使用。

或者,您可以像这样使用 grep:

cp BookDB.txt BookDB.txt~
grep -vxF "$title $name" BookDB.txt~ > BookDB.txt

其中 -x 告诉 grep 仅当匹配整行时才匹配,而 -F 告诉它将模式视为固定字符串而不是正则表达式。

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