rust - 未命名值的范围是什么?

标签 rust


我正在寻找基于 official docs 的答案,并非基于实验。

示例 1:


示例 2:

match foo().bar() {
    // ...

如果 barfn bar(self) -> ... 它获得传递值的所有权,并且它像往常一样被删除,但是如果 bar 借用,即 fn bar(&self) -> ...? bar 的结果是否取决于 &self 的生命周期是否重要?

也就是说,foo 可能会返回一个 MutexGuard;重要的是要知道守卫何时被丢弃(并且互斥体被解锁)。

实验方法表明,未命名值在创建它的语句“完成”后被删除;强制“提前”删除 let 语句是必需的。


pub struct Foo;
pub fn foo() -> Foo {
impl Foo {
    pub fn bar(&self) {
impl Drop for Foo {
    fn drop(&mut self) {

fn main() {
    println!("--- scope test start");
    println!("value: {:?}", foo().bar());
    println!("--- end");

    println!("--- scope test start");
    match foo().bar() {
        v => println!("value: {:?}", v),
    println!("--- end");

    println!("--- scope test start");
    let v = foo().bar();
    println!("value: {:?}", v);
    println!("--- end");


--- scope test start
value: ()
--- end
--- scope test start
value: ()
--- end
--- scope test start
value: ()
--- end


来自 the reference :

When using an rvalue in most lvalue contexts, a temporary unnamed lvalue is created and used instead, if not promoted to 'static. Promotion of an rvalue expression to a 'static slot occurs when the expression could be written in a constant, borrowed, and dereferencing that borrow where the expression was the originally written, without changing the runtime behavior. That is, the promoted expression can be evaluated at compile-time and the resulting value does not contain interior mutability or destructors (these properties are determined based on the value where possible, e.g. &None always has the type &'static Option<_>, as it contains nothing disallowed). Otherwise, the lifetime of temporary values is typically

  • the innermost enclosing statement; the tail expression of a block is considered part of the statement that encloses the block, or

  • the condition expression or the loop conditional expression if the temporary is created in the condition expression of an if or an if/else or in the loop conditional expression of a while expression.

When a temporary rvalue is being created that is assigned into a let declaration, however, the temporary is created with the lifetime of the enclosing block instead, as using the enclosing statement (the let declaration) would be a guaranteed error (since a pointer to the temporary would be stored into a variable, but the temporary would be freed before the variable could be used). The compiler uses simple syntactic rules to decide which values are being assigned into a let binding, and therefore deserve a longer temporary lifetime.


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