rust - 为什么 Rust 不能在给定序列的显式类型时推断 sum 的结果

标签 rust



fn main() {
    let l: Vec<u32> = vec![];
    let s = l.iter().sum();
    println!("{:?}", s);

这是受 Rust by Example 中的某些东西的启发

// collect each thread's intermediate results into a new Vec
let mut intermediate_sums = vec![];
for child in children {
    // collect each child thread's return-value
    let intermediate_sum = child.join().unwrap();

// combine all intermediate sums into a single final sum.
// we use the "turbofish" ::<> to provide sum() with a type hint.
// TODO: try without the turbofish, by instead explicitly
// specifying the type of intermediate_sums
let final_result = intermediate_sums.iter().sum::<u32>();


注意我看到一些相关的票证,例如 Why can't Rust infer the resulting type of Iterator::sum? ,但是在这种情况下,没有为序列指定类型。


This seems to be implying that this should be possible. Or have I misinterpreted this suggestion?


// TODO: try without the turbofish, by instead explicitly
// specifying the type of intermediate_sums
let final_result = intermediate_sums.iter().sum::<u32>();


let final_result: u32 = intermediate_sums.iter().sum();


fn main() {
    let l: Vec<u32> = vec![];
    let s: u32 = l.iter().sum();
    println!("{:?}", s);

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