rust - 是否可以解构方法的 `self` 参数?

标签 rust pattern-matching

我正在尝试找到一种方法来解构方法的 self 参数。根据GitHub comment :

Per today's meeting, we have a different plan to make self arguments destructurable. With universal function-call syntax (UFCS #11938) there will not be any distinction between static methods and instance methods - they will both be 'associated functions'. At that point any function who's first argument is the self type will be callable with method syntax, and self, &self, and &mut self are just sugar for i.e. self: &Self, and destructuring on the self argument can be done as normal by not using the self-sugar.


struct Vector {
    x: i32,
    y: i32,
    z: i32,

impl Vector {
    fn print1(self: &Self) {
        println!("{} {} {}", self.x, self.y, self.z);

    // destructure self argument
    fn print2(&Vector{x, y, z}: &Self) {
        println!("{} {} {}", x, y, z);

    // use another name for the first argument
    fn print3(this: &Self) {
        println!("{} {} {}", this.x, this.y, this.z);

fn main() {
    let v = Vector{x: 1, y: 2, z: 3};

    Vector::print1(&v); // work
    v.print1();         // work
    Vector::print2(&v); // work
    v.print2();         // not work
    Vector::print3(&v); // work
    v.print3();         // not work

print3() 只是用来测试是否可以使用 self 以外的名称作为方法的第一个参数。


error: no method named `print2` found for type `Vector` in the current scope
27 |     v.print2();         // not work
   |       ^^^^^^
   = note: found the following associated functions; to be used as methods, functions must have a `self` parameter
note: candidate #1 is defined in an impl for the type `Vector`
12 |       fn print2(&Vector{x, y, z}: &Self) {
   |  _____^ starting here...
13 | |         println!("{} {} {}", x, y, z);
14 | |     }
   | |_____^ ...ending here

error: no method named `print3` found for type `Vector` in the current scope
29 |     v.print3();         // not work
   |       ^^^^^^
   = note: found the following associated functions; to be used as methods, functions must have a `self` parameter
note: candidate #1 is defined in an impl for the type `Vector`
16 |       fn print3(this: &Self) {
   |  _____^ starting here...
17 | |         println!("{} {} {}", this.x, this.y, this.z);
18 | |     }
   | |_____^ ...ending here

似乎 print2()print3() 没有被识别为 Vector 的方法。

  1. 如何解构方法的self参数?
  2. 根据评论,self 这个名字只是糖。这是否意味着方法的第一个参数可以使用 self 以外的名称?


这最初是为了实现通用函数调用,但向后不兼容,因为这意味着 fn foo(bar: &Self) 会突然等同于 fn foo (self: &Self),由于突然出现新方法,可能会中断方法调用。

this github issue comment 中的完整理由

您可以在函数体中使用 let 绑定(bind)来解构显式 self 参数:

let &Vector { x, y, z } = self;

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