mysql - 一条SQL语句代替两条

标签 mysql


查询 1:

SELECT g.ethnicity AS dataPointA, 
count(case when t.fall_spring = 1 then t.studentID end) as countA,
round(avg(case when t.fall_spring = 1 then t.compScore end),0) as scoreA,
round(avg(case when t.fall_spring = 1 then t.compNP end),1) as scoreNPA

from table1 t
JOIN aall_students s
ON t.studentID=s.studentID 
JOIN aall_ethnicities g
ON s.ethnicityID=g.ethnicityID
WHERE t.classof = 2021 and s.gender = 'F'
group by s.ethnicityID

Results query 1:

dataPointA        countA   scoreA    scoreNPA
African American |   18   | 914   |   56.6  |
Asian            |    8   | 998   |   71.4  |
Hispanic/Latino  |    5   | 936   |   63.0  |
Two or More      |   11   | 1005  |   72.3  |
White            |   28   | 1028  |   76.7  |

查询 2: 请注意,第二个查询中的 WHERE 子句不同,返回的行数也不同。

SELECT g.ethnicity AS dataPointB, 
count(case when t.fall_spring = 1 then t.studentID end) as countB,
round(avg(case when t.fall_spring = 1 then t.compScore end),0) as scoreB,
round(avg(case when t.fall_spring = 1 then t.compNP end),1) as scoreNPB

from table2 t
JOIN aall_students s
ON t.studentID=s.studentID 
JOIN aall_ethnicities g
ON s.ethnicityID=g.ethnicityID
WHERE t.classof = 2022 and s.gender = 'F'
group by s.ethnicityID

Results query 2:

dataPointB        countB   scoreB    scoreNPB
African American |   12   | 838    |   40.0   |
Asian            |    7   | 957    |   65.9   |
Hispanic/Latino  |    7   | 931    |   59.6   |
Native American  |    1   | 940    |   64.0   |
Two or More      |   18   | 963    |   66.1   |
White            |   32   | 1074   |   84.1   |



我尝试了各种形式的 UNION、JOIN 和广泛的谷歌搜索,但无法提出任何解决方案。任何能为我指明正确方向的建议都将不胜感激。


dataPointA        countA   scoreA    scoreNPA   dataPointB       countB   scoreB   scoreNPB
African American |   18   | 914   |   56.6  |  African American |   12   | 838   |   40.0  |
Asian            |    8   | 998   |   71.4  |  Asian            |    7   | 957   |   65.9  |
Hispanic/Latino  |    5   | 936   |   63.0  |  Hispanic/Latino  |    7   | 931   |   59.6  |
null             |  null  | null  |   null  |  Native American  |    1   | 940   |   64.0  |
Two or More      |   11   | 1005  |   72.3  |  Two or More      |   18   | 963   |   66.1  |
White            |   28   | 1028  |   76.7  |  White            |   32   | 1074  |   84.1  |

使用 UNION ALL 我得到了一个可行的数组,这需要在代码端进行一些操作。我还添加了回复中建议的“类”列以区分表格:

dataPoint           class     count    score      scoreNP   
African American |  2021   |   18    |  914    |   56.6    |
Asian            |  2021   |    8    |  998    |   71.4    |
Hispanic/Latino  |  2021   |    5    |  936    |   63.0    |
Two or More      |  2021   |   11    | 1005    |   72.3    |
White            |  2021   |   28    | 1028    |   76.7    |
African American |  2022   |   12    |  838    |   40.0    |
Asian            |  2022   |    7    |  957    |   65.9    |
Hispanic/Latino  |  2022   |    7    |  931    |   59.6    |
Native American  |  2022   |    1    |  940    |   64.0    |
Two or More      |  2022   |   18    |  963    |   66.1    |
White            |  2022   |   32    | 1074    |   84.1    |


This is a job for UNION ALL .为什么全部?普通的 UNION 会尝试对行进行重复数据删除,而您不需要它。


     SELECT 'A' datatype, whatever, whatever
       FROM table1 ... WHERE whatever
     SELECT 'B' datatype, whatever, whatever
       FROM table2 ... WHERE whatever

您将获得一个结果集,其中包含一个名为 datatype 的额外列(在我的示例中)。您可以使用该列来区分两个不同表格的结果。

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