swift - 如何修复 "' @IBInspectable' 属性对无法在 Objective-C 中表示的属性毫无意义“警告

标签 swift xcode swift4 xcode9-beta

在 Xcode 9 和 Swift 4 中,对于某些 IBInspectable 属性,我总是会收到此警告:

    @IBDesignable public class CircularIndicator: UIView {
        // this has a warning
        @IBInspectable var backgroundIndicatorLineWidth: CGFloat? {  // <-- warning here
            didSet {
                backgroundIndicator.lineWidth = backgroundIndicatorLineWidth!

    // this doesn't have a warning
    @IBInspectable var topIndicatorFillColor: UIColor? {
        didSet {
            topIndicator.fillColor = topIndicatorFillColor?.cgColor




我在复制/粘贴类 CircularIndicator: UIView 时遇到的确切错误(不是警告)是:

Property cannot be marked @IBInspectable because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C


@IBInspectable var backgroundIndicatorLineWidth: CGFloat? {  // <-- warning here
    didSet {
        backgroundIndicator.lineWidth = backgroundIndicatorLineWidth!


@IBInspectable var backgroundIndicatorLineWidth: CGFloat = 0.0 {
    didSet {
        backgroundIndicator.lineWidth = backgroundIndicatorLineWidth

当然,backgroundIndicator 在我的项目中是未定义的。

但是如果您针对 didSet 进行编码,看起来您只需要定义一个默认值而不是将 backgroundIndicatorLineWidth 设为可选。

关于swift - 如何修复 "' @IBInspectable' 属性对无法在 Objective-C 中表示的属性毫无意义“警告,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46024160/


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