python selenium鼠标滚轮点击

标签 python selenium

我有一个问题,是否可以在 python selenium 中模拟鼠标滚轮单击(当您单击链接时,浏览器中会打开一个新选项卡)或类似的东西。我使用的网站是基于 javascript 的,所以我看不到物理链接。


您需要执行 javascript 代码。根据 MouseEvent.button,鼠标滚轮点击具有 1 作为数字表示文档:

0: Main button pressed, usually the left button or the un-initialized state

1: Auxiliary button pressed, usually the wheel button or the middle button (if present)

2: Secondary button pressed, usually the right button

3: Fourth button, typically the Browser Back button

4: Fifth button, typically the Browser Forward button

您的 javascript 代码将是

var mouseWheelClick = new MouseEvent( "click", { "button": 1, "which": 1 });


driver = webdriver.Firefox()

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