python - 检查相邻值是否在 Numpy 矩阵中

标签 python arrays numpy

因此,我目前正在尝试找出一个更优化的解决方案来确定图像中的连通分量。目前,我有一个坐标具有特定值的数组。我想根据它们是否接触来创建这些坐标组。我正在使用一个 numpy 数组,目前我必须检查每个值(左上、中上、右上、左中、右中、左下、中下、右下)是否在该数组中。我通过以下代码这样做:

for x in range (0, groupCoords.shape[0]):
            global tgroup
            xCoord = groupCoords.item((x,0))
            yCoord = groupCoords.item((x,1))
            new = np.array([[xCoord, yCoord]])
            if np.equal(Arr,[xCoord, yCoord+1]).all(1).any():
                tgroup = np.append(tgroup, [[xCoord,yCoord+1]], axis=0)
                new = np.append(new, [[xCoord,yCoord+1]], axis=0)
                index = np.argwhere((Arr == [xCoord,yCoord+1]).all(1))
                Arr = np.delete(Arr, (index), axis=0)

            if np.equal(Arr,[xCoord, yCoord-1]).all(1).any():
                tgroup = np.append(tgroup, [[xCoord, yCoord-1]],axis=0)
                new = np.append(new, [[xCoord,yCoord-1]], axis=0)
                index = np.argwhere((Arr == [xCoord,yCoord-1]).all(1))
                Arr = np.delete(Arr, (index), axis=0)

            if np.equal(Arr,[xCoord+1, yCoord]).all(1).any():
                tgroup = np.append(tgroup, [[xCoord+1,yCoord]],axis=0)
                new = np.append(new, [[xCoord+1,yCoord]], axis=0)
                index = np.argwhere((Arr == [xCoord+1,yCoord]).all(1))
                Arr = np.delete(Arr, (index), axis=0)

            if np.equal(Arr,[xCoord+1, yCoord+1]).all(1).any():
                tgroup = np.append(tgroup, [[xCoord+1,yCoord+1]],axis=0)
                new = np.append(new, [[xCoord+1,yCoord+1]], axis=0)
                index = np.argwhere((Arr == [xCoord+1,yCoord+1]).all(1))
                Arr = np.delete(Arr, (index), axis=0)

            if np.equal(Arr,[xCoord+1, yCoord-1]).all(1).any():
                tgroup = np.append(tgroup, [[xCoord+1,yCoord-1]],axis=0)
                new = np.append(new, [[xCoord+1,yCoord-1]], axis=0)
                index = np.argwhere((Arr == [xCoord+1,yCoord-1]).all(1))
                Arr = np.delete(Arr, (index), axis=0)

            if np.equal(Arr,[xCoord-1, yCoord]).all(1).any():
                tgroup = np.append(tgroup, [[xCoord-1,yCoord]],axis=0)
                new = np.append(new, [[xCoord-1,yCoord]], axis=0)
                index = np.argwhere((Arr == [xCoord-1,yCoord]).all(1))
                Arr = np.delete(Arr, (index), axis=0)

            if np.equal(Arr,[xCoord-1, yCoord+1]).all(1).any():
                tgroup = np.append(tgroup, [[xCoord-1,yCoord+1]],axis=0)
                new = np.append(new, [[xCoord-1,yCoord+1]], axis=0)
                index = np.argwhere((Arr == [xCoord-1,yCoord+1]).all(1))
                Arr = np.delete(Arr, (index), axis=0)

            if np.equal(Arr,[xCoord-1, yCoord-1]).all(1).any():
                tgroup = np.append(tgroup, [[xCoord-1,yCoord-1]],axis=0)
                new = np.append(new, [[xCoord-1,yCoord-1]], axis=0)
                index = np.argwhere((Arr == [xCoord-1,yCoord-1]).all(1))
                Arr = np.delete(Arr, (index), axis=0)

但是,如果图像很大,这显然会花费大量时间。我的想法是创建一个 bool 矩阵,其尺寸为图像的宽度和高度,然后将值“true”分配给矩阵中与图像中的像素相对应的值(图像为黑白)。



 [0 0]
 [0 1]
 [0 2]
 [10 2]



 [0 0]
 [0 1]
 [0 2]



方法 #1

我们可以获得欧氏距离并查看是否有任何距离在 sqrt(2) 范围内,这将覆盖 up-downdistance = 1 distance = sqrt(2) 的对角线。这将为我们提供一个掩码,当它被索引到组坐标数组中时,将为我们提供与之相连的掩码。

因此,使用 Scipy's cdist 的实现为了获得这些欧氏距离,将是 -

from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist

out = groupCoords[(cdist(groupCoords,Arr)<1.5).any(1)]

sample 运行-

In [401]: Arr
array([[ 5,  4],
       [11, 12],
       [ 5,  3],
       [ 1,  3],
       [15,  8],
       [55, 21]])

In [402]: groupCoords
array([[2, 3],  # In neighbourhood of (1,3)
       [5, 6],
       [6, 2],  # In neighbourhood of (5,3)
       [5, 3],  # In neighbourhood of (5,4)
       [5, 8]])

In [403]: groupCoords[(cdist(groupCoords,Arr)<1.5).any(1)]
array([[2, 3],
       [6, 2],
       [5, 3]])

方法 #2


因此,这种方法的实现将是 -

col0_mask = (np.abs(groupCoords[:,0,None] - Arr[:,0])<=1)
col1_mask = (np.abs(groupCoords[:,1,None] - Arr[:,1])<=1)
out = groupCoords[(col0_mask & col1_mask).any(1)]

方法 #3

另一种方法可能会更好,如果您将 Arr 作为 bool 数组而不是 2 列坐标数组。思路是dilate this boolean array Arr 的坐标,然后查看 groupCoords 中的哪些坐标也位于此膨胀图像中。对于扩张,我们将使用一个 3 x 3 核来覆盖所有这些邻域。为了检测这些共同点,我们需要用这些 groupCoords 绘制图像。

因此,代码将是 -

from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_dilation

img = np.zeros(Arr.shape,dtype=bool)
img[groupCoords[:,0],groupCoords[:,1]] = 1
out = np.argwhere(binary_dilation(Arr,np.ones((3,3))) & img)

sample 运行-

In [444]: # Inputs : groupCoords and let's create a sample array for Arr
     ...: groupCoords = np.array([[2,3],[5,6],[6,2],[5,3],[5,8]])
     ...: Arr_Coords = np.array([[5,4],[11,12],[5,3],[1,3],[15,8],[55,21]])
     ...: Arr = np.zeros(Arr_Coords.max(0)+1,dtype=bool)
     ...: Arr[Arr_Coords[:,0], Arr_Coords[:,1]] = 1

In [445]: img = np.zeros(Arr.shape,dtype=bool)
     ...: img[groupCoords[:,0],groupCoords[:,1]] = 1
     ...: out = np.argwhere(binary_dilation(Arr,np.ones((3,3))) & img)

In [446]: out
array([[2, 3],
       [5, 3],
       [6, 2]])

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