ios - Swift 2.3 在 pod 更新后使用未解析的标识符 Firebase 'FIR'

标签 ios swift firebase cocoapods updates

在我的项目中使用 Xcode 8 和 Swift 2.3 并使用 Firebase 我刚刚执行了 pod 更新并收到了很多错误但无法弄清楚为什么?


Pod 文件

pod 'Firebase/Core'
pod 'Firebase/Messaging'
pod 'Firebase/AdMob'

刚刚做了 pod update 并得到了下面

Analyzing dependencies
Downloading dependencies
Using Firebase (4.1.0)
Using FirebaseAnalytics (4.0.3)
Using FirebaseCore (4.0.5)
Using FirebaseInstanceID (2.0.1)
Using FirebaseMessaging (2.0.1)
Generating Pods project
Integrating client project
Sending stats
Pod installation complete! There are 3 dependencies from the Podfile and 9 total pods installed.


Use of undeclared type 'FIRMessagingDelegate'
Use of unresolved identifier 'FIRApp'
Use of unresolved identifier 'kFIRInstanceIDTokenRefreshNotification'
Use of unresolved identifier 'FIRMessaging'
Use of unresolved identifier 'FIRInstanceID'
Use of undeclared type 'FIRMessagingRemoteMessage'


根据documentation , Swift 中 Firebase 4.0.0 的类名更改。所以 FIRMessagingDelegate,现在是 MessagingDelegate,等等。请参阅迁移指南 here

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