swift - 名称节点始终为零 - ARKit Swift

标签 swift scenekit arkit

我正在尝试接收与通过“hitTest”点击的节点关联的名称节点,但每次我点击一个节点时,名称都是 nil。


private func findLocalPlaces(topics: [Topic]) {

    guard let location = self.locationManager.location else {

    for topic in topics {
        let topicLocation = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: topic.coordinates!.x, longitude: topic.coordinates!.y)
        let locationPin = CLLocation(coordinate: topicLocation, altitude: location.altitude)
        //Set the image of the pin
        let urlImage = topic.image?.image(topicId: topic._id, imageType: .mobileHeader)
        Alamofire.request(urlImage ?? "").responseImage { response in
            if let image = response.result.value {

                //self.annotationNode = LocationAnnotationNode(location: locationPin, image: image)

                //Create a view instead of the only image view
                let viewDemo = UIView()
                viewDemo.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 500, height: 281)

                let imageView = UIImageView(image: image)
                imageView.frame = CGRect(origin: .zero, size: viewDemo.frame.size)

                let label = UILabel()
                label.textColor = .white
                label.frame = CGRect(x: 10, y: 200, width: 400, height: 30)
                label.text = topic.name

                self.annotationNode.name = topic.name

                self.annotationNode = LocationAnnotationNode(location: locationPin, view: viewDemo)

                //Scale the POI based on the distance
                self.annotationNode.scaleRelativeToDistance = false

                DispatchQueue.main.async {
                    //Add the POI to the scene
                    self.sceneLocationView.addLocationNodeWithConfirmedLocation(locationNode: self.annotationNode)


var annotationNode: LocationAnnotationNode = LocationAnnotationNode(location: CLLocation(latitude: 0, longitude: 0), image: UIImage(named:"arPin")!)


HitTest 相关代码:

 //Method called when tap
@objc func handleTap(rec: UITapGestureRecognizer){

    if rec.state == .ended {
        let location: CGPoint = rec.location(in: sceneLocationView)
        let hits = self.sceneLocationView.hitTest(location, options: nil)
        if !hits.isEmpty{

            let tappedNode = hits.first?.node
            print("NODE TAPPED", tappedNode?.name)



您在 if let 之后在顶部有一个注释行,然后您将名称设置为 self.annotationNode 然后覆盖它,导致命名无效。删除第二个: self.annotationNode = LocationAnnotationNode(location: locationPin, view: viewDemo) 并取消注释第一个

关于swift - 名称节点始终为零 - ARKit Swift,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55965974/


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