swift - 如何将 UItapGesture 识别器指定为按钮的 CGpoint

标签 swift timer action uigesturerecognizer

我正在制作一个游戏广告,但我很难制作一个跳转按钮。我已经创建了跳上跳下的 SKaction 序列,它的工作原理非常完美。

func JumpArrow () {
    jumpArrow.position = CGPointMake(60, 145)
    jumpArrow.xScale = 1
    jumpArrow.yScale = 1

func heroJumpMovement () {
    let heroJumpAction = SKAction.moveToY(hero.position.y + 85, 
    duration: 0.5)
    let heroFallAction = SKAction.moveToY(hero.position.y , duration:

    let jumpWait:SKAction = SKAction.waitForDuration(CFTimeInterval(1)) 

    let heroMovementSequence:SKAction = 
    SKAction.sequence([heroJumpAction, heroFallAction ,jumpWait])

override func touchesBegan(touches: Set<UITouch>, withEvent
event:UIEvent?) {

    for touch in touches {

        let location = touch.locationInNode(self)
        let node = nodeAtPoint(location)

if node == jumpArrow {


但是,我有一个问题。如果您快速点击按钮,播放器将飞出屏幕。我希望我可以创建一个 UItapGestureRecognizer 并为点击创建一个延迟,这样你就不能每秒点击按钮 2-4 次,你只能点击一次。如果这是错误的方法,请告诉我



相反,在您的 touchesBegan 函数中,在您调用 heroJumpMovement() 之前,您应该检查您的玩家是否在地面上.

另一种方法是检查最后一次跳转 SKActionSequence 是否完成


var canJump = true; // Variable will be true if we can jump

func JumpArrow () {
    jumpArrow.position = CGPointMake(60, 145)
    jumpArrow.xScale = 1
    jumpArrow.yScale = 1

func heroJumpMovement () {
    let heroJumpAction = SKAction.moveToY(hero.position.y + 85, 
    duration: 0.5)
    let heroFallAction = SKAction.moveToY(hero.position.y , duration:

    let jumpWait:SKAction = SKAction.waitForDuration(CFTimeInterval(1)) 

    let heroMovementSequence:SKAction = 
    SKAction.sequence([heroJumpAction, heroFallAction ,jumpWait])
canJump = false; // We are about to jump so set this to false
    hero.runAction(heroMovementSequence, completion: {canJump = true;}) // Set the canJump variable back to true after we have landed

override func touchesBegan(touches: Set<UITouch>, withEvent
event:UIEvent?) {

    for touch in touches {

        let location = touch.locationInNode(self)
        let node = nodeAtPoint(location)

if node == jumpArrow {
          if (canJump) { // Make sure we are allowed to jump

注意 canJump 变量。

关于swift - 如何将 UItapGesture 识别器指定为按钮的 CGpoint,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36875236/


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