html - 按钮是一个内联元素,但宽度有效

标签 html css inline


button {
    width: 300px;


根据(非规范的)Appendix D. Default style sheet for HTML 4,大多数浏览器默认将 button 元素显示为 inline-block

因此,您可以期望 width 属性起作用,如 Calculating widths and margins - Inline-block, non-replaced 中所述。

但不仅如此。 button 元素是 replaced elements :

In CSS, a replaced element is an element whose representation is outside the scope of CSS. These are kind of external objects whose representation is independent of the CSS.

因此,它们有一些特殊的行为。例如,无论它们是否具有 display: inline-blockdisplay: inline,它们的大小都根据 width 属性确定,根据 Calculating widths and margins - Inline, replaced .

值得注意的是,HTML5 强制将它们显示为 inline-block。这在 10.5.2 Bindings - The button element 中有解释:

@namespace url(;
button { binding: button; }

When the button binding applies to a button element, the element is expected to render as an 'inline-block' box rendered as a button whose contents are the contents of the element.

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