Javascript 首先执行,然后在正文中加载文本

标签 javascript html

为什么在我的浏览器中,当我首先运行我的 java 脚本文件时,它会在 body 中加载文本,但是当我在 stackoverflow javascript 片段工具中运行它时,它运行正常。

var name= prompt("enter your name");
var age= prompt("enter your age");
var pet_name= prompt("enter your fav pets name");

alert("hi "+name+" your age is "+age+"and you love"+pet_name);
console.log("hi "+name+" your age is "+age+"and you love"+pet_name);
<!DOCTYPE html>
	<title>testing javascript</title>

<h4>Testing of my first java script</h4>

<script type="text/javascript" src="test_1.js"></script>



我相信这是因为警报、确认和提示都是“阻塞”函数,并且在渲染发生的同时调用它们,尝试将代码放在 setTimeout 或文档准备好中:

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) { 
  // your code

var delayedScript = function() {
  // your code

setTimeout(delayedScript, 500);

Dialog boxes are modal windows; they prevent the user from accessing the rest of the program's interface until the dialog box is closed

关于Javascript 首先执行,然后在正文中加载文本,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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