html - 媒体查询选择器元素的多个类有什么问题?或者这里发生了什么?

标签 html css

我一直在尝试让 horus 找出我制作的网页的问题,我已经将其缩小到与多个类有关的问题,并且我已经制作了一个 fiddle 来证明。


<p class="bg-yellow-on-mobile">
  Should have a yellow background on mobile
<p class="bg-yellow-on-mobile talign-right-on-mobile">
  Should have a yellow background and text aligned right on mobile


@media (max-width:767px){
  [class="bg-yellow-on-mobile"] { background: yellow; }
  [class="talign-right-on-mobile"] { text-align: right; }

fiddle :

您会看到移动样式未应用于第二个 <p>标记,具有两个类的标记。是因为它有多个类的原因吗?


你需要使用 * 字符来选择类名,它正是属性中的内容或它的一部分

6.3.2 Substring matching attribute selectors

Three different attribute selectors are also available for pattern representation into the value of an attribute :


Represents the att attribute, its value beginning exactly with the prefix "val"


Represents the att attribute, its value ending exactly with the suffix "ident"


Represents the att attribute, its value containing at least once the substring "val"

@media (max-width:767px){
  [class*="bg-yellow-on-mobile"] { background: yellow; }
  [class*="talign-right-on-mobile"] { text-align: right; }
<p class="bg-yellow-on-mobile">
  Should have a yellow background on mobile
<p class="bg-yellow-on-mobile talign-right-on-mobile">
  Should have a yellow background and text aligned right on mobile

关于html - 媒体查询选择器元素的多个类有什么问题?或者这里发生了什么?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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