javascript - HTML DOM : Which events do not bubble?

标签 javascript html dom dom-events event-bubbling

大多数事件在所有浏览器中冒泡。但是,我知道在 Internet Explorer 中“提交”事件不会冒泡。还有哪些不冒泡的事件?


HTML 框架/对象

  • 加载
  • 卸载
  • 滚动(除了文档上的滚动事件必须冒泡到窗口)


  • 专注
  • 模糊


  • DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument
  • DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument


  • 加载开始
  • 进度
  • 错误
  • 中止
  • 加载
  • loadend


为了检查事件是否通过 DOM 树向上冒泡,您应该检查 read-only bubbles Event 对象及其实例上可用的属性。

"The bubbles read-only property of the Event interface indicates whether the event bubbles up through the DOM tree or not."

在下面的代码示例中,您可以检查“focus”事件如何只能在 capturing phase 期间从 DOM 层次结构 (document.body) 中附加的事件监听器跟踪,而不是在冒泡阶段。另一方面,点击事件可以双向捕获(捕获 + 冒泡阶段)。

// Check if the click event bubbles:
document.querySelector("input").addEventListener("click", e =>{
  console.log(`Does the ${e.type} event bubble?`, e.bubbles);
}, { once: true });
// Check if the focus event bubbles:
document.querySelector("input").addEventListener("focus", e =>{
  console.log(`Does the ${e.type} event bubble?`, e.bubbles);
}, { once: true });

// Track focus event during the bubbling phase (at least trying to):
document.body.addEventListener("focus", e =>{
  console.log(`Tracking ${e.type} event during bubbling phase.`);

// Track focus event during the capturing phase:
document.body.addEventListener("focus", e =>{
  console.log(`Tracking ${e.type} event during capturing phase.`);
}, { capture: true })

// Track click event during the bubbling phase:
document.body.addEventListener("click", e =>{
  console.log(`Tracking ${e.type} event during bubbling phase.`);

// Track click event during the capturing phase:
document.body.addEventListener("click", e =>{
  console.log(`Tracking ${e.type} event during capturing phase.`);
}, { capture: true })
<input placeholder="Focus or click...">

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